Hi Rick, thanks, I appreciate that!
Yes, that's an Artisteer skin, designed by our webmaster Anne Morgan. We're both really grateful that Joe added support for the Artisteer skins. She said that she really likes Artisteer, but her main complaint is she wishes there were an easier way to use custom colors in designs. Hopefully the Artisteer crew will come up with something a little better there.
Google translate wasn't hard at all. Maybe I'll write up a document about how we did it. Here is a brief rundown:
First of all, I should say that Joe does have Google Translate available as a feature that you can just drop into a page, but I wanted it to work across our whole site (i.e. placed in layout.master rather than on individual pages), and also wanted to use some other options that mojoPortal doesn't yet have support for. So, I visited the Google Translate Tools page, and selected the following in optional settings: Display Mode: Inline, horizontal; Track Translation Usage in Google Analytics. I then grabbed the generated code and pasted it into our layout.master, inside the div class="topnav", right below the ul containing the administrative (sign in/sign out) links.
I then had to do much experimentation with CSS to make things work right with the Google translate toolbar, so it didn't cause the page to go out of whack when activated. I added my final layout fixes to style-artisteer-overrides.css as follows:
/* Positioning for Google Translate widget */
#google_translate_element { margin: -6px 30px 0 0; float:right; }
.art-sheet { margin-top:0px !important; }
#art-main {top: 18px;}
The picture slide show was actually a piece of cake, thanks once again to mojoPortal. That's just an HTML feature, with the "slideshow of elements" setting enabled! It literally could not be any easier.
I know what you mean about the mass of content. Luckily we have Anne, who is a very talented web technician. In addition to designing skins, she brought all that content from our old HTML site, reorganized it, and got everything loaded on the new site over the past year, all while still maintaining our existing sites. I think out of everyone, she is the most relieved that we are now live! We are all looking forward to finishing our site conversions, and delegating a lot of her more menial and routine data updating tasks out to the people who want to take ownership of their own areas of the site--this was one of the main impetuses for implementing a CMS, and mojoPortal's security structure will work perfectly for us.