Feed Manager and CSS

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10/7/2010 4:52:10 AM
Total Posts 3

Feed Manager and CSS



My feed manager is working fine, but i need to change a few things, please can someone point me in the right direction.

1. I need to edit the font size (headings of the feed) - use three different feeds
2. Open the feed links on a new page

I have opened the stylefeedmanager.css but it does not seem to change the feed at all, so i am assuming i'm in the wrong CSS

Im using artisteer-greenlagoon skin.





10/7/2010 9:06:35 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Feed Manager and CSS

most features in mojoPortal use common css to have a consistent design across features. The separate file for feed manager is only for things that are unique to feed manager. Common things are styled from other css files.

To style anything, you should study the source of the rendered page and figure out a css selector to style whatever you want to style.


Hope it helps,


10/7/2010 5:32:50 PM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: Feed Manager and CSS

Another tip that may be useful to you is that the RSS feed manager (among many other features) allows you to specify a custom CSS class. Feed manager wraps the incoming link text in "h3" tags. So, if you wanted all of your RSS feed text to appear different than the rest of the h3s around the site, you could set a custom CSS class on the feature instances (example: "rss-block"), then do something like this in CSS:

h3 {font-size: 31px; font-style: normal;}

.rss-block h3 {font-size: 15px; font-style: italic;}

For your item #2, it's on Joe's to-do list. You can read more about it in this thread.


10/9/2010 11:55:09 PM
Total Posts 3

Re: Feed Manager and CSS

Thanks i got it working

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