Access to Mojo Sites

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9/22/2010 4:29:38 PM
Total Posts 4

Access to Mojo Sites


I lost access to MojoPortal Community Mojo Sites. When Iclick the Mojo Sites, I get this error

Sorry, you are not allowed to view this content. If you have questions about your permissions, please contact a site administrator.
Either you are not currently logged in, or you do not have access to this page within the site. Please contact the site administrator to obtain access.


5/29/2012 3:36:10 AM
Total Posts 10

Access Denied When Edit

Hi Joe,

I create new HTML Module( I copy from the old one) and I rename it as my new module,

When I use it, and I click on Edit, it says

"Sorry, you are not allowed to view this content. If you have questions about your permissions, please contact a site administrator.

Either you are not currently logged in, or you do not have access to this page within the site. Please contact the site administrator to obtain access."

I already login as Admin

I use

MojoVersion is


Windows 7

5/29/2012 6:58:14 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Access to Mojo Sites

If you copy a feature you need to clone it correctly so that it is no longer using anything from the original feature. I do not provide support for your cloned feature, so it is important that you fully understand the code that you copy, since it is up to you to fix any problems with your forked code. You should not copy and modify any code if you don't understand the code.

The one tip I will give you is that the featureGuid is used as part of enforcing security, so in your copy of the edit page you need to make it use your new featureGuid for the security check instead of the HtmlContent.FeatureGuid.

Hope that helps,


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