Hi Ron,
1. mojoPortal uses MasterPages, Themes, and CSS which should be easy to understand since it is standard ASP.NET functionality. Of course this is just my opinion, but I found it very hard to figure out how to make a skin for DNN back when I experimented with it. I found lots of skins for sale but not much good free examples or tutorials. Probably the books have some good stuff on that. From my perspective while DNN has a flexible skinning system for those who know how to use it, they built it before 2.0 .NET came out and there is no reason to think they did a better job than what Microsoft implemented in 2.0, so its an advantage being later to market for mojoPortal as we did not have to implement our own deep plumbing for skinning, we just leverage the new features provided in the 2.0 framework. So, yes developers need to understand MasterPages, Themes, and CSS to build custom mojoPortal skins but they need to know how to do that for any new ASP.NET project. If developers don't already know MasterPages, Themes, and CSS they can use mojoPortal existing skins to learn about it and it will help them on their next project.
2. All the features included in mojoPortal have been maintained over time by me when any major framework changes were introduced. The ModuleControl for a feature is the part that plugs into a page via the content system and the api for this has not changed much if any since the beginning.
3. Forums and Blogs are already done, Wiki is planned for this spring/summer.
For me its very easy building features, its just a matter of how complex each feature is as to how long it takes.
This is not really a mojoPortal question, how difficult is it to implement a Knowledge Base, implementing the ModuleControl which plugs into the content system is very easy and this would be the entry point to the Knowledge base application. From there how long it takes or how difficult it is depends on the specifications of what exact functionality do we mean when we say Knowledge Base.
4. I think in terms of features not modules. When I hear module, to me it means the Module Control which plugs into mojoPortal and is the entry point to a feature. However, not all features are implemented as modules. I could say any number for how many features does mojoPortal have compared to how many does DNN or Rainbow depending on how I breakdown the feature list.
To me you should not use feature count as a metric in making a decision, but rather focus on what features does it have that I need and what doesn't it have that I need or want as well as how well implemented are those features and how easy is it for developers to work with the code.
I have a lot of respect for the DotNetNuke project, they have been around a long time and have built up quite a brand and a thriving community and I hope to achieve that success with mojoPortal. I have a lot of plans for mojoPortal for the coming year and I think those who choose to build on mojoPortal will be glad they did. Several developers have told me that they get better support with faster response with mojoPortal than some commercial software they pay for.
If you decide to build on mojoPortal and you and your team need help or training implementing any features, please consider
hiring me, rates are negotiable.