House Icon next to "Home" - ???

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9/14/2010 5:13:12 PM
Total Posts 355

House Icon next to "Home" - ???

I'm in the process of deploying a new MojoPortal installation with a custom skin.  Everything's going fine, looking great - but for whatever reason, I've suddenly got a little "house" appearing next to the "Home" link. It wasn't there before, and I don't want it to be there now.  What did I inadvertently do to get this, and how do I make it go away?

9/14/2010 8:22:22 PM
Total Posts 2252

Re: House Icon next to "Home" - ???


Add the following to your stylemenu.css file.

.AspNet-Menu .img{display:none;}

You probably inadvertently removed that or commented it out at some point.

Joe D.

9/28/2010 9:38:12 PM
Total Posts 10

Re: House Icon next to "Home" - ???

I had a similar problem with the artisteer templates showing this icon.

Removed the house icon by adding this to the style-artisteer-overrides.css :

ul.AspNet-Menu li img {

9/28/2010 9:57:28 PM
Total Posts 355

Re: House Icon next to "Home" - ???

That's exactly what I ended up doing, for the sake of brevity and simplicity - thanks!

10/14/2010 2:35:48 PM
Total Posts 14

Re: House Icon next to "Home" - ???

Wonderful steve1! I despised that little house for a few weeks. No more. Thanks :)

12/21/2011 6:57:40 PM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: House Icon next to "Home" - ???

Hi everyone, I've been working on Artisteer 3.1 skinning for the new release, and had this old "house" issue pop up for me again. Joe Audette gave me a permanent solution today that you may want to consider: It used to be that for new sites, the field mp_pages.MenuImage would get populated with 'house.gif'. This is not true for more recent builds of mojoPortal. So for a database solution to get rid of the house permanently for "legacy" sites like ours, you can do a database update like this:

update mp_pages set MenuImage = ''

Keep in mind that mojoPortal caches database reads, so it may take a little while for this update to take effect.

I hope some will find this useful,


12/22/2011 6:00:10 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: House Icon next to "Home" - ???

Technically we do not cache database reads in any general way but only for some things in specific ways such as the SiteMap is cached and that is why the cache needed to be cleared after making this change. Touching web.config should have done it. The SiteMap is a hierarchal tree of SiteMapNode objects and is used to databind the menus. Creating a new page, deleting a page or changing the view permissions on a page all result in clearing the SiteMap cache so that it is reloaded again whereas touching the Web.config should clear all items from the cache because it recycles the app.



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