I can't see the whole page on a imported artisteer template

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9/14/2010 8:56:23 AM
Total Posts 5

I can't see the whole page on a imported artisteer template

Hello ,

I am trying to learn about MojoPortal. It is impressive. But I could not understand why all parts of the page using an imported artisteer template aren't visible and usable. For example for the template given in the link below, there is a button and textbox in order to  subscribe to the letter, and again blow it there is a div for the contact info.



Why do I only see the header part in the page when use this template in mojo? Any idea?




9/14/2010 9:58:15 AM
Total Posts 180
Thomas F. Heringer

Re: I can't see the whole page on a imported artisteer template

Hi! did you follow the directions here: http://www.mojoportal.com/artisteer-23-instructions.aspx, need more information about what you have done with the "template"?

9/14/2010 10:42:15 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: I can't see the whole page on a imported artisteer template

You are confusing the example placeholder content in the template with the design. The newsletter sign up is just a placeholder as is the rest of the content in the page of the template, it is not really part of the design its just filler to show what the design looks like with some content.

In a CMS the content comes from the database. If you want a newletter sign up then create a newsletter in mojoportal and add a newsletter sign up module to the page.

Hope it helps,


9/15/2010 1:14:24 AM
Total Posts 5

Re: I can't see the whole page on a imported artisteer template

Thank you very much for your answers Joe and Thomas. I'll check it again.

9/15/2010 2:37:45 AM
Total Posts 5

Re: I can't see the whole page on a imported artisteer template

Dear Joe,

I am trying to understadand the structure. I am not good at styling. I just wonder that, if it is possible to use a template like gven below with mojo?


Is it a challenging work?

Thanks in advance

9/15/2010 3:55:20 AM
Total Posts 180
Thomas F. Heringer

Re: I can't see the whole page on a imported artisteer template

Hi! There are already some styleshout templates available. This includes citrusisland, which if I am not mistaken could be set up with content which would turn out looking much like what you are looking at. The CSS could be changed to reflect a different color then is already on the one provided. Most Mojo skins have the capability of having three columns, if not all of them. Problem would be that some of them are too narrow and would have to be adjusted to take three columns comfortably. I am not a designer, but have been using mojo for a number of years, I figure if I can do it just about anyone can. Both Joes have been a great help during this whole time.

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