Some Mojo Sites

If you are using mojoPortal, let us know. We've put a lot of work into this project and it would be gratifying to hear from you. If you are using mojoPortal for a public site, post your URL here and show it off.

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8/30/2010 11:51:08 AM
Total Posts 67

Some Mojo Sites


I've been using mojoPortal for about a year now, and really enjoy the system. It's really easy to get up and running, and is a breeze to skin. I love the attention to standards-compliant code that is really rare to find in products built with Microsoft technologies. I thought that I would share a couple of links with you:

I currently have 3 more Mojo sites in development (two that will probably launch in September, I'll keep you posted), and possibly a large project containing several micro-sites utilizing the same Mojo installation (as that seems like where mojoPortal is really going to shine).

Thanks for the great CMS!

8/30/2010 12:00:52 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Some Mojo Sites

Those look good! I've added them to the mojo sites list.

My only minor criticism is I've never liked it when sites automatically play audio or video but that is really just a personal pet peeve. It causes annoyance in 2 situations, one is if I already have music playing, the other is if I'm in a boring meeting and doing a little surfing and a site makes noise it blows my cover and draws unwanted attention ;-)



8/30/2010 12:09:06 PM
Total Posts 67

Re: Some Mojo Sites

Don't get me started, I totally agree! I fought that tooth-and-nail until launch, but had to concede to the client in the end. They wanted to have a night club feel to the site, and thought that music was 100% necessary (what can you do?). It's especially annoying when you're developing, and hear the song 1,000 times in a row. Thanks for the feedback!

8/30/2010 12:11:28 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Some Mojo Sites

I hear ya! I've lost battles like that myself many times over the years ;-) In the end one has to please the customer.

8/30/2010 1:22:48 PM
Total Posts 2252

Re: Some Mojo Sites


Those sites look great!  I especially like the site menu on the Ambiance site.

I do agree about the music but if the customer wants it and won't give in after a little arm twisting, what can you do?

Again, great work!

-Joe D.

1/7/2011 2:20:14 PM
Total Posts 24

Re: Some Mojo Sites

I need to add the same functionality to my website.  It needs to play music automatically.

What is the best way to do this?



1/7/2011 2:35:42 PM
Total Posts 67

Re: Some Mojo Sites

I built it so that the flash banner is the mp3 player. This doesn't give you continuous music while browsing, but it works. Have you looked into the HTML5 audio tag?

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