link rel=canonical

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8/27/2010 11:26:10 AM
Total Posts 98

link rel=canonical


What it is the

I see this in view source on one of my page and XENU return me like an broken link.

Could help me anyone?

8/28/2010 1:02:14 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: link rel=canonical

Hi Valik,

This appears to be a bug, it is not creating the canonical url links correctly in folder based child sites, it is doubling up the folder part of the url.

I will fix this for the next release. The only workaround for now is to specify the Canonical Url Override in page settings under the SEO tab.

Thanks for reporting this issue.



8/28/2010 1:29:41 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: link rel=canonical

This is now fixed in the source code repository.



10/10/2011 1:16:30 AM
Total Posts 1

Re: link rel=canonical

We are using version. But, we are having this issue (doubling canonical url) in blog module. Please let us know that whether this issue has been resolved in This is the latest stable release shows on codeplex for mojo. Also let us know what we need to do to solve this issue for blog module (a whole site upgrade? OR any specific files only related to blog moudle). thanks for all your help joe.
10/10/2011 7:02:16 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: link rel=canonical

This was reported before and fixed in a recent release. Upgrading does require updating all the files, you cannot pick and choose.

Hope that helps,


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