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Hi Joe !!
When MojoPortal is configured with ShowForumPostsInMemberList = false, the column data is not shown but the column Header is!!
From what I could understand, we should use the same approach used in ShowWebSiteColumn:
if (!ShowWebSiteColumn) { //thTitle.ColSpan = 4; //divNewUser.ColSpan = 4; //tdModulePager.ColSpan = 4; thWebLink.Visible = false; }
if (!ShowWebSiteColumn) { //thTitle.ColSpan = 4; //divNewUser.ColSpan = 4; //tdModulePager.ColSpan = 4; thWebLink.Visible = false;
With this in mind, I renamed t4 to thForumPosts in the aspx, added a runat="server" and added the logic to make it invisible:
<th id="thForumPosts" runat="server"> <mp:SiteLabel id="lblTotalPosts" runat="server" ConfigKey="MemberListUserTotalPostsLabel" UseLabelTag="false"></mp:SiteLabel> </th>
and in the CS
if (!ShowForumPostColumn) { thForumPosts.Visible = false; }
Everything worked like a charm :). Could you please confirm this?
Thanks Bruno,
This is now fixed in the repository.