How to prevento mojo to alter html content (at least in ie)

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7/29/2010 5:35:12 PM
Total Posts 17

How to prevento mojo to alter html content (at least in ie)

I am trying to use livezilla on my site. To work it requires to past a simple html snippet code in a page. On firefox it works but on ie8 on the bottom i see an error:

Agente utente: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)
Timestamp: Thu, 29 Jul 2010 22:26:53 UTC

Messaggio: 'document.getElementById(...)' è nullo o non è un oggetto (in English:"is null or is not an object")
Linea: 1
Carattere: 16
Codice: 0

I have compared the code returned by the server to the initial code provided by livezilla and I have realized that mojo makes some changes (for example inserts <p> tags and other). The code returned on ie8 seems to be the same to the code returned for firefox but on ie it runs to error.

My question is: may be there is the way (I imagine using tags) to tell mojo not to change that portion of code?



7/29/2010 5:44:43 PM
Total Posts 17

Re: How to prevento mojo to alter html content (at least in ie)

I have just realized that the manipulation is not done by mojo but by editor!!!

I paste the code, save and If I return to the html code I find it is changed


7/30/2010 9:13:46 AM
Total Posts 2256

Re: How to prevento mojo to alter html content (at least in ie)


The different editors handle this sort of thing differently. I suggest using CKeditor because it doesn't mess with the markup as much as TinyMCE.

Using CKeditor, click the "Source" button and paste your code, then immediately click the Save button. This will save your code without modifying it at all.

Alternatively, if this is something that you aren't going to be changing at all. Try this:

  1. Create an HTML file with this code inside of it, nothing else, just the code for LiveZilla.
  2. Save the HTML file to \data\sites\[site number]\htmlfragments.
  3. Add an instance of the HTML Fragment Include feature to your page.
  4. Click the Edit link for the HTML Fragment Include module and then select the HTML file you saved in step 2.

Joe D.

7/31/2010 4:59:40 AM
Total Posts 17

Re: How to prevento mojo to alter html content (at least in ie)


Thanks a lot Joe.

Changing editor solved, it makes some manipulation even it, but not to produce errors

Thanks again and by

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