Artisteer-24VerticleMenu2 question

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7/24/2010 11:49:38 AM
Total Posts 6

Artisteer-24VerticleMenu2 question

On my menu, one root item named "Projects" has 2 subitems, "Data Results" and "Data Survey". New pages were created for each of those 2 items. For some reason, when I nav to either of those pages, they contain links (like menu buttons) to "Data Results" and "Data Survey" arranged vertically in the content area where normally the left pane would reside. i expected to go to those pages and find nothing and start creating content. Can anyone with better knowledge explain what is going on and how to remedy, i.e. stop those items from appearing in my content area?

7/25/2010 6:50:57 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Artisteer-24VerticleMenu2 question

The vertical menu is basically a sub menu beneath the horizontal menu which only shows top level items. So any child page of a top level page is going to be shown in the vertical menu along with other children of the parent page. If it did not show the sub menu how would you navigate to the child page(s).

If you don't want a vertical sub menu then you should use a different design.

Hope it helps,


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