Hi Andria,
Your site is looking good!
The issue with the menu highlighting seems to me like a bug in the artisteer script.js file. I was able to produce the same problem with the artisteer-24verticalmenu3 skin that is included with mojoPortal. Same symptom, if the url is / it was not highlighting but when you click the home page it would highlight.
I found that by editing the script.js file I could fix the issue by commenting out 1 line of javascript.
Look in the script.js file in the function shown here:
function artVMenu() {
var menus = artGetElementsByClassName("art-vmenu", document, "ul");
for (var k = 0; k < menus.length; k++) {
var vmenu = menus[k];
vmenu.uls = vmenu.getElementsByTagName("ul");
vmenu.items = vmenu.getElementsByTagName("li");
vmenu.alinks = vmenu.getElementsByTagName("a");
for (var x = 0; x < vmenu.items.length; x++) {
var li = vmenu.items[x];
li.className = li.className.replace(/active/, "").replace(" ", " ");
for (var s = 0; s < li.childNodes.length; s++) {
var ch = li.childNodes[s];
if (!(ch && ch.tagName)) continue;
if (String(ch.tagName).toLowerCase() == "a") {
if (ch.href == window.location.href)
vmenu.active = li;
li.a = ch;
if (String(ch.tagName).toLowerCase() == "ul")
li.ul = ch;
//ch.className = ch.className.replace(/active/, "").replace(" ", " ");
if (!vmenu.active) return;
if (vmenu.active.ul) vmenu.active.ul.className += " active";
var parent = vmenu.active;
while (parent && parent != vmenu) {
parent.className += " active";
if (parent.a) parent.a.className += " active";
parent = parent.parentNode;
Notice specifically this line:
//ch.className = ch.className.replace(/active/, "").replace(" ", " ");
I added the // at the beginning of that line to comment it out. Then clear your browser cache and refresh the page to be sure it reloads the javascript
Commenting that line out fixed it for me and did not seem to produce any side effects that I can see.
Hope it helps,