Breadcrumb oddity

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6/18/2010 10:20:23 AM
Total Posts 16

Breadcrumb oddity


I have the latest version of mojoportal ( installed.  I am seeing an oddity in the rendering of the breadcrumbs and am wondering if others are seeing it?  On a page that is multiple levels deep and using something like ~/fymp/somelink.aspx, the /fymp/ is added to ALL the breadcrumbs.





6/18/2010 10:45:40 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Breadcrumb oddity

Hi Mike,

Is this a folder based child site or a site running in a virtual directory or a root level site?

You should not be using extra / segments in your friendly urls, it is not supported. You can use - but not /

But my guess is that you have this set to true and you have extra / segments

<add key="UseFoldersInsteadOfHostnamesForMultipleSites" value="true" />

so it is trying to resolve the extra segment as a site folder in a multi site installation.

Hope it helps,


6/18/2010 3:03:50 PM
Total Posts 16

Re: Breadcrumb oddity

Very good!  Yes, this was originally a multi-site installation but is no longer, and I was using / in the friendly url.  Thanks for the tip - I know what to go fix now :)

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