Could enyone help a CSS beginner ;o)

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6/16/2010 5:10:17 AM
Total Posts 20

Could enyone help a CSS beginner ;o)

Hi out there

I have made a template whit Artisteer an the site are running.

I have 2 problems.

I cant figure out how to change the background colour in the editor.. It takes the background colour from the site and I cant se what I am writing.

I have found a tread that describes the solution:

As I am a total beginner in this game, I am not abel to find the plases to replase the body/pagebody tags. I know it is a lot to ask, but could ennyone whrite it so my mom could handle it ?

And the other problem is as follow: In the Artesteer aplication the left and right colum "hedlines" are in white, but when I publis it, it becomes black (on a dark gray background)..

Where can I fix this problem.

If Joe read this. I WILL by you that beer smiley

Thangs a ton


6/16/2010 7:00:39 AM
Total Posts 22

Re: Could enyone help a CSS beginner ;o)

I'm not using Artisteer, but the problem with the headlines is here:


.leftside h2.moduletitle, .rightside h2.moduletitle (ligne 1)


font-style: normal;

font-weight: 700;

font-size: 14px;

margin-top: 0pt;

margin-right: 0pt;

margin-bottom: 0pt;

margin-left: 0pt;

color: #000000;


The color should be #fff

6/16/2010 7:15:18 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Could enyone help a CSS beginner ;o)


The first problem with the editor colors is described with a solution in step 7 on this page:

I agree with jmunger on the second one, I think you need to look for that in the style-artisteer-overrides.css and change the color as needed.

Hope it helps,


6/16/2010 8:23:23 AM
Total Posts 20

Re: Could enyone help a CSS beginner ;o)

Hi Joe and jmunger

It solved my Heder colour problem. Tangs al lot, but I am still strugling with the editor.

In the style-artisteer-overrides.css i have don like this. Is it the right way?

I am dooing enything wrong?

Best Henrik


/* this is needed because the artisteer buttons otherwise looke enabled even when disable */[disabled="disabled"] { background-color: #ccccff !important; color: #9999cc !important; }

/* these may be needed for some designs see item 7 at

body{background-color: white; color:black background-image: none; }

.art-content-layout .art-sidebar2

width: 30%;

.linksmodule ul li
background-position: 0px 7px;

.art-blockcontent-body ul li
background-position: 0px 7px;

.art-block { margin-top: 13px }

.art-logo h1 a { text-decoration: none;}

.leftside h2.moduletitle, .rightside h2.moduletitle
font-style: normal;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 14px;
color: #ffffff;


.leftside a.ModuleEditLink, .rightside a.ModuleEditLink {color:#B6C5CD;}

6/16/2010 8:45:35 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Could enyone help a CSS beginner ;o)

You got it backwards. you need to put that part that makes it white with black into the body{}

What you need to do then is harvest the color and background settings from body{} in the style.css file and put it in the styleartisteer-overrides.css in the


Hope it helps,


6/16/2010 4:37:36 PM
Total Posts 20

Re: Could enyone help a CSS beginner ;o)

Hi Joe

I hobe you are a patient... Sorry for total lack of css skills

I have now this in the styleartisteer-overrides.css, but the background in the editor stil enheritages the sites bacground colour

Best at thanks again



background-color: white; color:black background-image: none;

margin: 0 auto;
padding: 0;
color: #1B0C04;
background-color: #262626;

6/16/2010 5:21:09 PM
Total Posts 180
Thomas F. Heringer

Re: Could enyone help a CSS beginner ;o)

You are missing a semi colon after color: black;

6/16/2010 5:28:49 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Could enyone help a CSS beginner ;o)

Hi Henrik,

Thomas is right about the semi colon. But also it looks like you need to un-comment it, remove the /* and */ that surround body{} and body.pagebody{}

Thanks for the donation! Much appreciated.



6/16/2010 5:44:37 PM
Total Posts 20

Re: Could enyone help a CSS beginner ;o)

Thank to you both

Still not working. Do I have to delete the corosponding code from the style.css or anyplace else?

Best Henrik (To Joe, Its me who thanks smiley )

6/17/2010 6:51:10 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Could enyone help a CSS beginner ;o)

Hi Henrik,

You should not modify the style.css, overrides in other files will do what is needed.

Are you positive that the settings are not commented out?

This is commented out:




everything between the /* and */ is ignored, you must remove that to make it work so it would be like this:




Are you sure it is not a caching issue with the old css being cached on the server and in the browser as discussed in the 3rd paragraph on this page?



6/17/2010 1:07:22 PM
Total Posts 20

Re: Could enyone help a CSS beginner ;o)

Hi Joe

It wash a cashing issue....

It finaly works. Thanks a lot.

Doo you have a link to how to set email settings. (I am using mysql)

Best and thanks again :o)


6/17/2010 1:08:30 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Could enyone help a CSS beginner ;o)



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