Event Calendar Pro: Breadcrumbs CSS

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6/3/2010 9:39:27 PM
Total Posts 2254

Event Calendar Pro: Add CSS Classes

Hi Joe,

Can you add the following?

  • breadcrumbs - eventcalbread: This will allow us to skin these breadcrumbs differently than the site breadcrumbs as it is not contained inside of the eventcalendar panelwrapper . This would need to be added to each view available in Event Calendar Pro.
  • Add classes to the individual views to differentiate them from each other.

If at all possible, wrapping as much of the content in each view in an element with a specific class would really help with skinning.

Joe D.

6/4/2010 11:40:04 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Event Calendar Pro: Breadcrumbs CSS

Hi Joe,

I will add extra classes for each view. I'm not sure what you mean about bread crumbs unless you mean the menu for the different views but it does not use the breadcrumbs class. I'm not aware of any bread crumbs built into Event Calendar Pro.



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