
If you are using mojoPortal, let us know. We've put a lot of work into this project and it would be gratifying to hear from you. If you are using mojoPortal for a public site, post your URL here and show it off.

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6/1/2010 8:00:21 PM
Total Posts 10 launches

We have launched our new advertising call tracking service today. This site is built using MojoPortal, and also integrates other services including payments by Amazon.

About Verified AD:
Track ad calls for as little as $14.95/mo local or toll free with call recording. VerifiedAd call tracking empowers your company to track costs per lead for internet and offline ads. No contracts, no setup charges, pay as you go. 

The site's UI template is a modified Artisteer template (css in flux still). Using MojoPortal made it very easy for my business partners to manage the content in the site while I focused on the technical details.

Our plan is to offer white-label versions of this site to other companies who want to be resellers, who can get recurring revenue sharing. The white-label versions of the site will use the MojoPortal multiple sites feature, so creating new versions should be a very straightforward task.

More to come!

About me: Back in 1996, I worked for Bob Boiko, who later became the author of the Content Management Bible. This was before the term "Content Management System" was even in use by anyone. I have since built numerous custom CMS systems and have firsthand experience using several third party systems, including DotNetNuke, Interwoven, and SharePoint, to name a few. Based on my experience and our need to customize and launch quickly, I chose MojoPortal for our current projects and I haven't looked back. MojoPortal offers all you need, and when you want to customize it, it gets out of your way. If you can imagine it, there is almost always a very simple and elegant way to accomplish it using MojoPortal!

Thanks Joe!

6/2/2010 9:31:31 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: launches

Hi Steve,

That is a very good looking site and an interesting business concept! Thanks for sharing your success story!

I've added it to the mojo sites list.



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