new website with mojoportal and Artisteer

If you are using mojoPortal, let us know. We've put a lot of work into this project and it would be gratifying to hear from you. If you are using mojoPortal for a public site, post your URL here and show it off.

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5/26/2010 9:41:46 PM
Total Posts 2

new website with mojoportal and Artisteer

Hi Joe,


I would like to thank you for a great CMS. The website I have developed using mojoPortal is located at: Content is still going up but the overall structure and design is in place.

I have been working with a non-profit group to put together a website for them that will allow them to manage their content and at the same time be easy to use. I installed both Umbraco and mojoPortal to decide which one to use. Once I installed mojoPortal, there was no looking back. I may still use Umbraco for other projects but for projects that need a fast turnaround time, this was perfect. Within a span of 2.5 days I had installed mojoportal on and had a working website.

Before reading about mojoPortal, I had no idea a tool such as Artisteer existed. It is truly worth its price for using it with mojoPortal and standalone.

For the website, I had to do change both code and make more modifications beyond what was given in the documentation. The changes were easy to make and were entirely made to enable the Artisteer template to be styled properly.

Overall, I am very impressed with the CMS (especially the administration; its so easy!).

Thank you for developing this product!


5/27/2010 8:16:43 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: new website with mojoportal and Artisteer

Hi Wahid,

Thanks for the testimonial! Your site looks very good!

I'd be curious to know about the specific extra steps you needed for your skin? 



6/5/2010 9:58:04 PM
Total Posts 2

Re: new website with mojoportal and Artisteer

Hi Joe,

Thank you for your kind words.

The particular vertical menu styling that I had was not showing properly. Comparing the default page.html and output from mojoportal (using Firefox and firebug) I noticed that the mojoportal version was missing some divs for the menu container. I realized that there was no way to add these divs without diving into the code.

I modified mojoportal\Web\Controls\Artisteer\ArtisteerTreeViewAdapter.cs and mojoportal\Web\Controls\Artisteer\MenuAdapterArtisteerVertical.cs to include the extra divs. The change is below:

protected override void RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriter writer)
    if (Extender.AdapterEnabled)
      Extender.RenderBeginTag(writer, "art-vmenublock");

      /// New code below

      writer.Write("<div class=\"art-vmenublock-tl\"></div>");
      writer.Write("<div class=\"art-vmenublock-tr\"></div>");
      writer.Write("<div class=\"art-vmenublock-bl\"></div>");
      writer.Write("<div class=\"art-vmenublock-br\"></div>");
      writer.Write("<div class=\"art-vmenublock-tc\"></div>");
      writer.Write("<div class=\"art-vmenublock-bc\"></div>");
      writer.Write("<div class=\"art-vmenublock-cl\"></div>");
      writer.Write("<div class=\"art-vmenublock-cr\"></div>");
      writer.Write("<div class=\"art-vmenublock-cc\"></div>");

      /// End of new code

      writer.Write("<div class=\"art-vmenublock-body\">");
      writer.Write("<div class=\"art-vmenublockcontent\">");
      writer.Write("<div class=\"art-vmenublockcontent-body\">");

I also noticed that inside a container, if there was a list item the <ul> <li> tags weren't being properly styled. Looking at the html I realized that the ul.linkitem (in styemojo.css) was taking precedence over the Artisteer styling (in style.css).

I changed all the references to ul.linkitem to ul.linkitem_notbeingused so that the  artisteer styling would be effective. I could have removed them altogether but I found this solution to be very effective since I could easily identify the change that I had made.

These were the major changes worth mentioning.

I haven't noticed in the documentation for a way to completely use a new styling for a container. I know that there is a css override but I suspect it doesn't get applied high enough in the container to really change the styling (I may be wrong). Is my assumption correct?

I also was able to sneak in my jquery code for the header image rotation right in the script.js file. Here is the code for the header rotation (I only include since it is very short and doesn't require any jquery plugins of any sort):

$('.art-header-jpeg img:gt(0)').hide();
$('.art-header-jpeg :first-child').fadeOut(5000)
The html should be like this for the above class:

<div class="art-header-jpeg">
<img src="header_1.jpg"/>
<img src="header_2.jpg"/>


Thanks again for your effort with this product. It took me less than 5 minutes to load the project and find the file I needed to change for the code. The code is very well structured.



6/6/2010 6:38:08 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: new website with mojoportal and Artisteer

Hi Wahid,

Thanks for that, I have made the same changes to the menu adapters and committed to the repository. Really it is best if fixes like this make it back into the project so you can upgrade and not lose custom changes or have to maintain a forked version. Of course this only applies for mojoportal code, customizations in the skin files is fine for anyone to do.

I'm glad you were able to find where to make these changes easily and glad to have the corrections you provided, I guess the designs I was working with did not need or have those extra divs so I did not know that some designs do need them.

Neat trick also with your rotating images in the header!

I haven't noticed in the documentation for a way to completely use a new styling for a container. I know that there is a css override but I suspect it doesn't get applied high enough in the container to really change the styling (I may be wrong). Is my assumption correct?

You can style things any way you like from CSS and there are plenty of classes to help you make CSS selectors for anything you need to select for styling, but you can't really change the class names or redefine the markup except in layout.master. You can put any outer div containers or markup that you want there. You can also eliminate all the extra non-semantic markup used for Artisteer, the non-Artisteer skins do not have that markup, it is turned on in the Artisteer skins using properties in the file, and of course some of it is added directly in the layout.master files of those skins, but other skins do not have this.



1/15/2012 1:11:48 AM
Total Posts 4

Re: new website with mojoportal and Artisteer

Hey Joe,

This is awesome work... I just found mojoPortal and am having a blast... and plan to move most of my clients to it over time.  Just bought Artisteer (using your link), and beers and/or modules are forthcoming. :)

I stumbled across an issue using the latest Artisteer in customizing a skin.  The issue is that the SKIN property ContainerCssClass in the PageMenu skin was being ignored in the mojoPortal.Web.TreeViewAdapter.RenderBeginTag method.  When I modified your hard-coded tag... it fixed the issue.  It almost looks like you had it intentionally hard-coded to prevent some other issue somewhere... so please let me know if I'm missed something!  If it's not actually a bug... I don't want to end up with forked code.



The code from ~\mojoPortal\Web\Controls\Adapters\TreeViewAdapter.cs.  My change is commented about 9 lines into the method:

        protected override void RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriter writer)
if (Extender.AdapterEnabled)
case "Artisteer":

// 2012.01.15 - Hauchmahler modified; CSS Class was hard-coded... so SKIN property wasn't being applied.
//Extender.RenderBeginTag(writer, containerElement, "art-vmenublock");
Extender.RenderBeginTag(writer, containerElement, containerCssClass);

if (!suppressCornerDivs)
writer.Write("<div class=\"art-vmenublock-tl\"></div>");
writer.Write("<div class=\"art-vmenublock-tr\"></div>");
writer.Write("<div class=\"art-vmenublock-bl\"></div>");
writer.Write("<div class=\"art-vmenublock-br\"></div>");
writer.Write("<div class=\"art-vmenublock-tc\"></div>");
writer.Write("<div class=\"art-vmenublock-bc\"></div>");
writer.Write("<div class=\"art-vmenublock-cl\"></div>");
writer.Write("<div class=\"art-vmenublock-cr\"></div>");
writer.Write("<div class=\"art-vmenublock-cc\"></div>");

writer.Write("<div class=\"art-box-body art-vmenublock-body\">");

if ((renderNavigationHeader) && (navigationHeaderText.Length > 0))
writer.Write("<div class=\"art-vmenublockheader\">");
writer.Write("<div class=\"t\">" + navigationHeaderText + "</div>");

writer.Write("<div class=\"art-box art-vmenublockcontent\">");
writer.Write("<div class=\"art-box-body art-vmenublockcontent-body\">");


case "":
case "None":
Extender.RenderBeginTag(writer, containerElement, containerCssClass);



1/16/2012 9:34:44 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: new website with mojoportal and Artisteer

Hi Hauchmahler,

Thanks! I will make the same change, I think I intended to make the same change before but missed it somehow.



1/20/2012 12:34:19 AM
Total Posts 4

Re: new website with mojoportal and Artisteer

Thanks a tun... I see the update. :)

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