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You may also want to review the installation or upgrading documentation.
Just wondering, is it possible for me to host mojoportal on windows azure?
Sorry but no, it is not currently supported though we do support SqlAzure for the db.
I haven't gone through the docs but just thought to followup on this thread to know the latest status on windows azure compatibility.
can't it run on virtual machine with Windows Server 2008 R2 inside the Azure?
If the VM is treated like a true server yes it can. That is how Amazon EC2 works.
are there any other options to run mojopotal on Windows Azure?
We don't currently support Windows Azure but it is something we intend to look into in the coming months.
With the release of mojoPortal we now have some guidance for running mojoPortal on Azure.
Hi Joe,
Went looking for the AzureHost Release package per the instructions:
Download the AzureHost release package from codeplex and extract the contents from the .zip file but that project has no releases ... has the procedure changed?
Download the AzureHost release package from codeplex and extract the contents from the .zip file
but that project has no releases ... has the procedure changed?
Hi Bill,
Thanks for letting me know. I did make a release on Nov 29, 2011 but somehow it was marked as hidden and I did not realise it.
It is there now.
Any chance at some point you can also publish a Azure Host release built for Small instances (vmsize=Small)?