Hi Mark,
Sorry my bad, I checked using Firefox with NoScript so it wasn't loading the wysiwyg editor, wasn't paying close enough attention.
This is a very easy problem to solve and is discussed in step 7 of the Artisteer documentation.
The editor is trying to use the same css so that things look relatively close to what it will look like outside the editor, but these backgrounds muddy the waters a bit.
Basically what happens is that Artisteer is putting background and foreground color and/or images on the selector
in the style.css file
so the solution is to make it more specific,
in layout.master add class="pagebody" on the body element if it is not already there.
2 harvest the colors and background images from the body{} selector in the style.css file
paste them into .pagebody{} in style-artisteer-overrides.css
then in style-artisteer-overrides.css add body{ color:black; background-color:white; }
this way the colors remain in content because of the pagebody class, but since the editor does not have that class on the body element it removes the colors and background inside theeditor.
Many thanks for the beers!