This is an open forum for any mojoPortal topics that don't fall into the other categories.
Ok sent.
Thanks for all the help Joe!!!!
Something must have went wrong during an upgrade. I reverted back to an old version, reapplied the upgrade and everything is working now.
hi. i'm having the same problem of "maxClauseCount is set to 1024".
by rebuilding the index, it will be ok, but again fails.
this is true for the site:
"Do you have a lot of keywords in your meta settings for each page?
We may need to add a config option to not index those into the site search, it could possibly be causing this."
nearly every page has a different meta description.
what can I do?
(if you want to change code, could you post the files that have changed here too? or the code itself if it's not much.)
You can try increasing the maxClauseCount by adding this to your user.config file:
<add key="SearchMaxClauseCount" value="1024"/>
and increase the value until the error goes away.
Hope that helps,