Form Wizard Pro - 2 Columns

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5/11/2010 3:59:51 PM
Total Posts 225

Form Wizard Pro - 2 Columns

Just pie in the sky ideas, but here's another one for the Form Wizard.

It would be nice if there was a way to break a form up into two columns. I often have long and skinny forms that would look so much better as two columns. Paging is one nice option, but often two columns would be easiest for the user.

5/31/2011 10:51:24 AM
Total Posts 14

Re: Form Wizard Pro - 2 Columns

+1 ? I like also this feature. To put form into two collumns



2/17/2012 7:19:29 AM
Total Posts 30

Re: Form Wizard Pro - 2 Columns


I'm fairly new to MojoPortal and not much of a css wizard, but I may have found a workaround for you.

If you enable the Form Wizard Pro...General Settings...Flatten Pages As Groups setting then you can put your questions into groups (Pages).  The groups then all show up on one page as the classes "qgroup1, qgroup2, etc.".  Then set a Custom CSS Class, in this example I called it "fwp2column".  Then put the following CSS in your normal custom css file:

.fwp2column div.qgroup1 {width:48%; float:left; border:solid; color:red}

.fwp2column div.qgroup2 {width:48%; float:right; border:solid; color:green}

The solid borders and colors are just so you can see where it is applied for demo purposes.

I don't know if there are any pitfalls with this approach but it seems to work on my initial attempt.


2/17/2012 10:33:57 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Form Wizard Pro - 2 Columns

Hi Rob,

That's actually the exact purpose of the "Flatten Pages As Groups" setting. I've used it in the past and it works well.

The only caveat is that the tab order for form elements are then all the way down the first group and then starts again for the second group. To make this a little easier on the user, I create several pages (groups), and put related fields in each group.  That way if the form is too long, the user is guided all the way down the page and then back up to the top.

You can see an example of this here and here.

Thanks for posting this as I think we forgot to post that the "Flatten Pages As Groups" option was added to FWP.

-Joe D.

4/20/2012 7:46:04 PM
Total Posts 20
Dale Innis, What was, What is and What will be is all in the hands of God, but an application is in the hands of the developer, Lord Help us!

Re: Form Wizard Pro - 2 Columns

I am really really new to the web development but I am a developer.. Is there any more detailed instructions on how to get the two columns in the forms working.  I am so new that I recently just learned what a style sheet is lol...


any help would be appreciated, I tried to do as instructed here but I am not doing something right...



4/21/2012 2:25:55 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Form Wizard Pro - 2 Columns


Welcome to mojoPortal and Web Development in general. See if this helps you out:

  1. Enable the "Flatten Pages as Groups" setting in the Form Wizard Pro instance you're working on.
  2. Click the "Edit Form" button on the form instance.
  3. At the bottom of the form editing screen, change the "Number of Pages" textbox to 2 and click the "Save" button.
  4. Select the second page from the pager at the bottom of the form editing screen.
  5. Now, add a form element to this page and click the save button.
  6. Go back to the page with the form and open FireBug. If you're not using Firefox, use it and download Firebug. Web Design Development is so much easier with Firefox and Firebug than it is with the other browsers.
  7. Using the element selector of Firebug, select the first element in your form. You should notice that the element is inside of a div with two classes, qgroup and qgroup1.
  8. Repeat step 7 but select the element you added to the second page in the form editor. You should notice that this element is inside of a div with the classes qgroup and qgroup2.
  9. Create the CSS necessary to put the two "pages" or "qgroups" next to each other. The CSS provided above by Rob A. should get you going in the right direct. You can also take a look at the pages I linked to above and use Firebug to see what CSS I applied to those pages.

I feel a lengthy blog post coming on. ;-)

Joe D.

4/21/2012 8:16:29 PM
Total Posts 20
Dale Innis, What was, What is and What will be is all in the hands of God, but an application is in the hands of the developer, Lord Help us!

Re: Form Wizard Pro - 2 Columns

Ok great, So I was on the right track and this was absolutely helpful, my only question is as per Rob where is the normal css file that i need to edit.

4/21/2012 8:17:14 PM
Total Posts 20
Dale Innis, What was, What is and What will be is all in the hands of God, but an application is in the hands of the developer, Lord Help us!

Re: Form Wizard Pro - 2 Columns

Is this the style.css that I have to change?

4/23/2012 11:08:22 PM
Total Posts 20
Dale Innis, What was, What is and What will be is all in the hands of God, but an application is in the hands of the developer, Lord Help us!

Re: Form Wizard Pro - 2 Columns

could you guide me to the style sheet in the development environment

4/24/2012 7:40:54 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Form Wizard Pro - 2 Columns


It will depend on which skin you are using. The skin files used by the site are located at:


Hope that helps,


4/24/2012 9:12:26 AM
Total Posts 20
Dale Innis, What was, What is and What will be is all in the hands of God, but an application is in the hands of the developer, Lord Help us!

Re: Form Wizard Pro - 2 Columns

Yup , do I have to create my own custom css file then add it to the style.config.. I tried putting the same thing as per Rob A in the style.css, i6 an i7 styles.css and I have followed your instructions explicitly but the columns don't seem to be grouping.

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