Hello Byron,
You can do this with some CSS manipulation. First, you need to add a custom css class to the Feed Manager instance. Afterwards, you can add some css in your style.css file and acheive the desired result. You may have to tweak what I have here a little but this should get you started.
Goto the Settings for the Feed Manager instance you want to be two column and add "multicolfeeds" to the "Custom CSS Class". If you don't have the "Custom CSS Class" option, you will have to upgrade to or just grab the module-id and use it where you see "multicolfeeds" in my instructions.
Open the style.css file in your skin (/data/sites/[1]/skins/[nameofskin]/style.css).
Add the following to the bottom of the style.css file:
.multicolfeeds{width: 700px;}
.multicolfeeds div.rssfeedentryTrue,
.multicolfeeds div.rssfeedentryFalse{width:180px; margin:15px 0 0 0;padding:0 10px 0 0;line-height:15px;float:left;}
I borrowed this idea from Michael Meadhra's article on TechRepublic.
Joe D.