HTTP 500.19 error

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5/6/2010 12:49:55 PM
Total Posts 13

HTTP 500.19 error

I have uploaded the current version to a MS2008/IIS7/.NET4 server with MSSQL 2008. Actually this is the second site install recently with this same setup. The first one gave the same error and after a lot of experimenting I resolved it but am not sure what I did that worked. Now, with the second site I'd like to not spend as much time trying different things as all searches have come up empty.

When running root/setup/default.aspx I get this error:

Module IIS Web Core
Notification BeginRequest
Handler Not yet determined
Error Code 0x80070032
Config Error The configuration section 'system.web.extensions' cannot be read because it is missing a section declaration
Config File \\?\E:\web\priorihealt\htdocs\web.config

The web.config file is as delivered. I also tried replacing the contents with the contents from the other working site but that did not help.

Any suggestions?
Thank you

5/6/2010 12:51:24 PM
Total Posts 13

Re: HTTP 500.19 error

To clarify, the web.config was the web.net4.config file.

5/6/2010 1:04:39 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: HTTP 500.19 error

Sounds like your site is not really configured for 4.0 .NET. You need to use a 4.0 application pool or else it is really using 3.5 .NET which requires extra config sections that are not needed for .NET 4 and thus it throws this error about missing sections because the config file for .NET 4 doesn't have them.

So, either configure it for .NET 4 or else change back to the original Web.config that is for 3.5 .NET.

Hope that helps,


5/6/2010 1:37:20 PM
Total Posts 13

Re: HTTP 500.19 error

Hi Joe,

I'm hosted at and the site is configured as 4.0 with integrated mode. Is there a way to verify this in IIS or somewhere else?

5/6/2010 2:45:00 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: HTTP 500.19 error

When I google that error I see others are having it but I don't see answers other than what I have already suggested.

Is it a root level site or running below another site? 

You might try using the Web.net4.mediumtrust.config as I would expect you are hosted in medium trust.

This release of mojoPortal was compiled against 3.5 .NET, maybe discountasp is only really supporting things compiled against 4.0.

In the future we will make packages compiled for 4.0. is running fine under 4.0 in full trust using the Web.net4.config file.

Wish I could be of more help,


5/6/2010 3:08:57 PM
Total Posts 13

Re: HTTP 500.19 error

Hi Joe,

It is unusual because I have two separate accounts there with one working Mojo site and one that I'm trying to setup. Both are set for 4.0/integrated pipeline... to get the first one working I did many of the common 500.19 fixes that I found on google and MS(like enabling write access to directories, etc). I thought the problem was caused by my upgrade process so didn't pay attention to what fixed it. I'll see what DiscountASP tech support says about it.

Thank you,


5/7/2010 5:40:04 PM
Total Posts 13

Re: HTTP 500.19 error

Update. I did try the web.config that was provided here, thank you. The problem resolved when my host's SA moved me to the same server that my other app is running on. It worked perfectly after that.

The SA mentioned that it appeared the servers were configured the same however the only change made was to move to the other server. I don't know if that is a mojo only issue, the hosts issue, or an OS bug.

Thanks for the quick help!

5/29/2010 2:51:36 PM
Total Posts 1

Re: HTTP 500.19 error


Thanks for your informative process in tracking down this 500.19 error.  I had nearly the identical problem on a clean install with V on a new account at BizHostNet.  I supposedly had .NET 4.0, MVC 2, SQL Server (not Express) 2008, hosted on Windows 2008.  After spending a day debugging, and checking out our (these) Forums, I asked BizHostNet to double check.

Oops! they said: I wasn't really under .NET 4.0.  They corrected that, and all seems to be running well now.

Joe, thanks for sharing this with us all!!  I'll get you a beer after I finish installing the Event Calendar and Form Wizard...

 - Worthington

10/13/2010 12:22:00 PM
Total Posts 1

Re: HTTP 500.19 error

Many months after the beginning of this topic, but it's just helped me figuring out what was wrong on my server (at discountaspnet UK). Switching from ASP.NET 2.0/ 3.5 to ASP.NET 4.0 and restarting IIS fixed my 500.19 error.

Thanks guys

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