module of sponsors

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12/5/2006 3:16:38 PM
Total Posts 8

module of sponsors

Hello! Vocês can add a module of sponsors (banners)
12/6/2006 2:35:54 AM
Total Posts 488

Re: module of sponsors

In ASP.NET itself there is "AdRotator" control. I never used it, but maybe it can help?
12/6/2006 4:13:32 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: module of sponsors

I've been thinking we should add another contentplaceholder in the header section so we would have the option to put content modules there. Then we could create and AdvertisingModule that would use an AdRotator control to rotate ads. We would also need an admin page to configure the ads. This would be a fairly easy module to build, its just a matter of finding the time to get to it.

12/6/2006 4:43:58 AM
Total Posts 8

Re: module of sponsors

My idea is this. We have many sites in Brazil that has this characteristic.
 I wait that it finds time  :D
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