If you have questions about using mojoPortal, you can post them here.
You may want to first review our site administration documentation to see if your question is answered there.
I've got about 50 pages of content (articles) which all follow the same basic page layout. Each page needs the left pane to have a 3 pieces of html content - identical across all pages. The middle pane needs to have 3 html content pieces, 1 of which will be common throughout all of the pages, the other two will be specific to that page.
I know I can manually create each page, then using the content manager add each piece of content to each page, but it's really time consuming once I set all the security and settings.
What I wanted to know is if there was a way to duplicate existing pages, or set up some kind of template so all I'd have to do is add the 2 different content pieces to each page, while everything else remains the same.
Am I making sense? I hope so.
Any ideas would be welcome and appreciated.
Hi Jason,
We don't currently have anything to do that, at some point we will implement something but there are a lot of other higher priority things to do before that.