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I am creating a number of forms using Form Wizard Pro and one of them is a pcik list of countries (248 of them). Adding these one at a time via the U/I seemed somewhat masochistic so I looked in the db, found sts_webformoption table and imported the countries with a sort order, the question guid, countryname and a guid for the option. This last I created using an A8-A4-A4-A4-A12 format, same as the ones created by Form Wizard Pro.
The import loaded 248 new countries but the form generates an error in mojoportal now. I'm not quite sure why?
Any ideas or suggestions for an alternate approach to solving this issue?
Solved my own problem. The GUID generator I was using was not constrained to Hexadecimal so it was putting out A-Z, a-z, 0-9 characters. I restricted the output to hex characters only and it all works perfectly. :-)
Glad you found a solution.
If using (MS SQL) sql statements, you could also have generated the guids using the sql newid() function.