how do I set up a e learning module using Scorm

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4/16/2010 7:12:30 AM
Total Posts 5

how do I set up a e learning module using Scorm

I am a newbie

how do I set up a e learning module using Scorm,

any help will apprecate

4/16/2010 10:20:00 AM
Total Posts 2249

Re: how do I set up a e learning module using Scorm


I don't think much attention has been paid to SCORM by the mojoPortal community. I don't want to send you elsewhere but there are plenty of OpenSource applications that are focused on SCORM, you may want to try one of those. You can of course build your own custom mojoPortal module for it if you would like.

Joe D.

4/16/2010 11:25:25 AM
Total Posts 13
typing services

Re: how do I set up a e learning module using Scorm

You can send me a sample SCORM module is not?

4/16/2010 1:22:04 PM
Total Posts 2249

Re: how do I set up a e learning module using Scorm

I have used Moodle ( but I don't like it. It is PHP based.

There is also openelms ( but I haven't used it. It is Classic ASP based.

Joe D.

4/16/2010 10:12:07 PM
Total Posts 5

Re: how do I set up a e learning module using Scorm

I am interested in MojoPoratal, that why I would like to build a module E-Learning using Scorm. You can give me some guide to begin
any help will appeciate
thanks for your fast reply

4/19/2010 2:38:21 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: how do I set up a e learning module using Scorm


First you need to learn about ASP.NET

Then you need to learn about how to implement custom features in mojoPortal. I suggest read all the  develop documentation carefully and also watch all the developer training videos.

Then you need to learn about SCORM and figure out how to implement it in way to plug it into mojoPortal.

Hope it helps,


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