Quick IE6 Skin Compatibility tool

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4/15/2010 7:51:59 PM
Total Posts 6

Quick IE6 Skin Compatibility tool

I am glad to say that I (finally) have something to contribute back to the community.

My client particularly liked the dcarter-orangesunset theme, but had problems in IE6. I found a quick and easy way to update the IESpecific.css file to work with IE6 have updated the IESpecific.css file to work with IE6.

All I did was use a tool called IE6 CSS Fixer (http://www.onderhond.com/tools/ie6fixer/). I just cut/paste the body of the style.css sheet into that website tool, and it returned the suggested changes for IE6. I cut/paste those suggested changes into IESpecific.css, tested it, and all seems well.  I only used it on the dcarter-orangesunset skin, but it may be something that the community might find useful as a quick fix for other skins as well.

4/15/2010 7:56:45 PM
Total Posts 2249

Re: Quick IE6 Skin Compatibility tool

Thanks Kent, that looks like a really great tool!

4/16/2010 8:34:33 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Quick IE6 Skin Compatibility tool

Hi Kent,

Thanks for the tip about this tool, I've added a link to it in our skinning/CSS documentation.



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