ecommerce Configuration

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3/30/2010 4:20:03 AM
Total Posts 85

ecommerce Configuration

Hi ,

I dont configration ecommerce so I read this document in page "PayPal Website Payments Standard" but Some places do not understand... I need step by step document for Paypal Standard. ( My PayPal  account is already and bank about too ... )

AutoReturn as true, and you configure your PDT return url to:
and you specify your IPN url in the format:

This page don't work ;


 I dont know how to configration webconfig.ini for ecommerce and my portal setting. What should I do?

mojoPortal Version MSSQL



3/31/2010 9:59:32 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: ecommerce Configuration

Hi Volkan,

The documentation about ecommerce configuration has the information so I'm not sure what part you are having trouble with.

My settings for PayPal Standard are like this:

<add key="Site1-PaymentGatewayUseTestMode" value="false" />
   <add key="Site1-PrimaryPaymentGateway" value="PayPalDirect" />
   <add key="Site1-PayPalUsePayPalStandard" value="true" />
   <add key="Site1-PayPalStandardProductionEmail" value="" />
   <add key="Site1-PayPalStandardProductionPDTId" value="************************************************" />

Where Site1-PayPalStandardProductionPDTId is a value you get from within your paypal configuration on their web site.

Hope it helps,


4/3/2010 7:07:48 PM
Total Posts 85

Re: ecommerce Configuration

Hi joe,

Thank you for giving examples. Worked successfully... :)




4/21/2010 9:02:48 PM
Total Posts 29

Re: ecommerce Configuration


I'm having a similar issue but with returning to the site after a purchase is made:

My site is using PaypalStandard.  Transaction data is being passed back to my site because I'm getting accurate commerce reports.  However, when the user purchases something and the payment is complete from Paypal, the redirect goes to the link below:


However, the page is blank when the user returns to the site (just an all white page with nothing on it - no errors).  I'm assuming it should display something like "thank you for your purchase...." and a confirmation to the user that everything was successful.  It's confusing to the users because they are just taken back to a blank page.

Maybe I have something setup wrong.  I setup my paypal account with the following settings as noted in your ecommerce configuration:

To use PayPal Standard you need to configure some settings in your PayPal Account profile. You specify AutoReturn as true, and you configure your PDT return url to:
and you specify your IPN url in the format:

And my webconfig keys are set as follows:

<!-- set to false for production use -->
<add key="Site6-PaymentGatewayUseTestMode" value="false" />
<!-- options: Authorize.NET, PlugNPay, PayPalDirect, PayPalStandard, GoogleCheckout-->
<add key="Site6-PrimaryPaymentGateway" value="PayPalStandard" />
<add key="Site6-PayPalUsePayPalStandard" value="true" />
<!-- sandbox -->
<add key="Site6-AuthorizeNetSandboxAPILogin" value="" />
<add key="Site6-AuthorizeNetSandboxAPITransactionKey" value="" />
<add key="Site6-PlugNPaySandboxAPIPublisherName" value="" />
<add key="Site6-PlugNPaySandboxAPIPublisherPassword" value="" />
<add key="Site6-PayPalSandboxAPIUsername" value="" />
<add key="Site6-PayPalSandboxAPIPassword" value="" />
<add key="Site6-PayPalSandboxAPISignature" value="" />
<add key="Site6-PayPalStandardSandboxEmail" value="" />
<add key="Site6-PayPalStandardSandboxPDTId" value="************************my key from paypal********************" />
<add key="Site6-GoogleSandboxMerchantID" value="" />
<add key="Site6-GoogleSandboxMerchantKey" value="" />
<!-- end sandbox -->
<!-- Production -->
<add key="Site6-AuthorizeNetProductionAPILogin" value="" />
<add key="Site6-AuthorizeNetProductionAPITransactionKey" value="" />
<add key="Site6-PlugNPayProductionAPIPublisherName" value="" />
<add key="Site6-PlugNPayProductionAPIPublisherPassword" value="" />
<add key="Site6-PayPalProductionAPIUsername" value="" />
<add key="Site6-PayPalProductionAPIPassword" value="" />
<add key="Site6-PayPalProductionAPISignature" value="" />
<add key="Site6-PayPalStandardProductionEmail" value="" />
<add key="Site6-PayPalStandardProductionPDTId" value="************************my key from paypal********************" />
<add key="Site6-GoogleProductionMerchantID" value="" />
<add key="Site6-GoogleProductionMerchantKey" value="" />
<!-- end production -->

Note: Site6 is actually the root site and only site.  I had started the site on a different hosting space (development) and moved it to it's own production space.

Any ideas?

Thanks a bunch!


4/22/2010 12:47:24 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: ecommerce Configuration


I recommend if you moved the site to a new location, then delete all existing carts and then all users will have to get a new cart. What happens is we serialize the cart info and the redirecturl into the mp_PayPalLog table and this may have happened before you moved the site, then the user completes checkout but the log still has the original url which may not be correct after moving the site.

Basically we pass the paypallog guid as a private data and paypal passes it back with the pdt request, so we lookup the log and then we re-serialize the cart from what we serialized into the log before they went to paypal (this way the cart cannot have changed while they were away, otherwise there might be more things in the cart that the user did not pay for when they were at paypal).

Other than that I would review the mojoportal logs for any clues or related errors.

Hope it helps,


4/22/2010 2:46:14 PM
Total Posts 29

Re: ecommerce Configuration


Thanks for helping me with this.  I think clearing out the all of the shopping cart cache might be the answer to my problem.  I logged in to the site and cleared out ALL shopping carts in the system (through the interface), then verified the data was gone from cart tables.

Then I posted the link that cam back from Paypal which served up just a blank white page:


And then this redirected me to my order summary!

I'm going to test it with a *new* real transaction to make sure the issue is fixed, but I think this may do the trick based on my link not working in the past and now the link works and takes me to my order summary.



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