SearchInput Field ImageUrl

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3/24/2010 9:33:19 PM
Total Posts 2249

SearchInput Field ImageUrl

Hi Joe,

To use the ImageUrl property on the SearchInput field, the image must be in the /Controls directory or you must use a full path to the image. It would be more useful if the ImageUrl referenced the skin directory.

Joe D.

3/25/2010 7:57:30 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: SearchInput Field ImageUrl

Hi Joe,

I just looked at the code and I don't remember doing this so I think someone else worked on this at some point, but it looks like you can use "skinbase_" as a prefix to an image located in the skin folder so if you had an image named search.png you would put skinbase_search.png and it will replace the skinbase_ part with the base url to the skin folder.

Alternatively, you can put any path there in the format ~/path/to/yourimage.png

Hope it helps,


3/28/2010 4:15:28 PM
Total Posts 2249

Re: SearchInput Field ImageUrl

Hi Joe,

Yeah that's a little weird but as long as it works, I'm good with it. I am designing a skin that will be used on multiple sites so having a hard-coded path isn't really an option. I'm glad this little trick exists.

Joe D

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