RPX module localization

This is a place to discuss how to adapt mojoPortal to the needs of different cultures. Before asking questions here please first review the localization documentation.

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3/13/2010 8:27:17 AM
Total Posts 4

RPX module localization

Hi there. I'm trying to use Spanish as the language of my mojo installation, but I'm having problems with the RPX module. It's still appearing in English. How can I change that?


3/14/2010 10:55:41 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: RPX module localization


If you force your site to use Spanish culture it should also make the RPX widget use Spanish.

It should be as simple as adding this to your user.config

<add key="UseCultureOverride" value="true" />
 <add key="site1culture" value="es-ES" />

then touch your Web.config to make it reload settings.

As documented at the bottom of this page:


Hope it helps,


3/14/2010 5:06:14 PM
Total Posts 4

Re: RPX module localization

I did that, but it doesn't work. The RPX module still displays "Sign in using your account with...", even though the rest of the page is in Spanish.

3/15/2010 8:11:07 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: RPX module localization


I was able to replicate this problem and fix it, so it will be fixed in the next release of mojoPortal.

Thanks for the bug report.



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