VAT not updated in admin menu

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3/12/2010 8:44:41 AM
Total Posts 15

VAT not updated in admin menu

Are using mojoportal with mysql 5 and paypal and firefox 3.6

I am testing the web store with one country and state/region that is the same, and found out that:

1. In the administration menu for VAT, when I select country and state/region and try view the VAT values,  it's empty.

After I add a new tax value, all the values i have enterd before and the new will show up.

It looks like it's some kind of refresh/selection problem.


2. VAT is not calculated in the Administration menu "Order Entry" even if the users country is known.

    I belive the current logic is that paypal will do the calculation later on, but if i use the Order Entry and it can be calculated wy not show the amount of tax deducted from the total amount that includes vat.

3/12/2010 2:13:16 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: VAT not updated in admin menu

Hi Bert,

Thanks for reporting the issue with saving tax rates, I just tried playing with it and I do see some unexpected behavior. I will look into it.

Regarding the admin order entry, it like many things in WebStore are unfinished work, I threw that page together when I got a customer that wanted to pay by check with a PO and I needed a way to get the order in there so he could download. I implemented the minimum needed to accomplish that.

I "think" currently in the normal checkout process tax calculations are implemented only when processing payments directly like with Authorize.NET, I could be wrong and that may not be implemented yet either.

WebStore is really a work in progress in its very early stages, mainly I've implemented it as I go to support my own product sales needs but it made sense to share it and make it available for those with similar needs but it has a long way to go to be a general purpose ecommerce solution. I expect to make major progress on WebStore this year though.



3/12/2010 6:06:31 PM
Total Posts 15

Re: VAT not updated in admin menu

OK, Thanks for the reply.


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