Remove the rating label

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2/26/2010 5:44:08 AM
Total Posts 251

Remove the rating label

In my opinion the "rate this article" label it is not so useful and it is confusing, at it uses the same font of the article text

what about an option to hide it?

2/26/2010 10:26:22 AM
Total Posts 2252

Re: Remove the rating label


You can take a look at my site ( for examples of how to skin the rating container. I use them on blog posts.

There isn't an option to hide the label but you can use jQuery to hide it. Add this code to the layout.master of your skin after the asp:scriptmanager control:

<script defer="defer" type="text/javascript">
    $("[id$='_Rating_tdPrompt']").attr('style', 'display:none;');

I know this isn't ideal but it will get you by until a css class is added to the rating label.


2/26/2010 10:31:17 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Remove the rating label


I fixed this in my copy today. I removed the table layout, brs that were used for layout and hard coded styles, and I wrapped the prompt in a span with a class so it can be hidden. In order to fix the layout after making these changes I had to update css for the included skins, so after the next release you will want to copy the chunk of rating css from one of the included skins into your css.



2/26/2010 10:33:57 AM
Total Posts 2252

Re: Remove the rating label

Well, that was quick. Cool.

Joe D.

2/26/2010 1:35:04 PM
Total Posts 251

Re: Remove the rating label

cool, so quick!

i will wait for the next release


edit: joe davis' javascript does not work for me :( (since i am a javascript noob, maybe i pasted it in the wrong place)

i use this, just after the rating panel:

<script type="text/javascript">
var togli = document.getElementById("ctl00_mainContent_BlogView1_Rating_tdPrompt"); = 'none';

4/13/2010 6:29:53 AM
Total Posts 251

Re: Remove the rating label

I felt that is a nicer solution to give a bigger margin to the rating container

i changed

.ratingcontainer { float:right;}

to this in my stylemojo.css

.ratingcontainer { float:right; margin-bottom:20px; margin-left:20px; margin-right:20px;}

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