This is an open forum for any mojoPortal topics that don't fall into the other categories.
My site is running slow e.g. I can do a search which gives me feedback that it took 0.96875 Seconds but the page only comes back to view in over 10 seconds, I have set the MSSQL to UseAppKeepAlive to true as have very low traffic at the moment while doing my upgrade my service provider insists that my Database and www.root are on the same server.
Can anyone tell me how I can find out if my hosted server and site are indeed on the same server to rule out the slow speeds I am getting on my site
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Thanks Len
Check your application pool settings.
Check the Process Model Idle timeout (normally set to 20min)
It kills the worker every 20min if idle.. And can be the cause of 10sec style lags.
Hope this helps.
hanks Andrew looking into it,
Do you think using the option for Intranets and Private Networks found on installation documentation would help if I load the YUI javascript or the jQuery javascript locally.
Would this help speed up the skin as this maybe slowing my page load as it looks like the page only loads after external scripts and api's ( has completely loaded before the page loads and could be causing the delay
Our bandwidth SA is not as fast we would like so anything that needs to be pulled in before the page loads could delay page load speeds
Or is there a way of making mojoPortal leaner and faster on the CMS
Any other advise would be appreciated
Thanks again, Len
App pool will make a world of difference.
Also Australian net is pretty crappy.. Anything you can pull locally will help.
Not a lot you can do to lean mojo otherwise.
With a ok box, app pool and local scripts. It should run ok.
Thanks Andrew much appreciated will give it a try.