mojoportal / Mono and Firebird ???

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2/24/2010 3:33:01 AM
Total Posts 101

mojoportal / Mono and Firebird ???

I'm finding a number of customers are wanting Mojo sites on a mix of Linux and Windows (yes actually 50/50 for linux at the moment).

I've been using MySQL and Mono builds.. But I have a question..

Can I use Mojo Firebird builds interchangably on Windows and Linux..

I understand there are DLL vs .SO (and mono config mappings etc)..

Before I spend too much time playing.. Does this work ?

I'd LOVE to be able to offer a site on Window/Linux and just move the files and NOT WORRY about GPL issues.

Thanks again


2/24/2010 8:12:01 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: mojoportal / Mono and Firebird ???

Hi Andrew,

In theory, you could copy the data dlls and the Setup folder from the Firebird package for Windows and paste it into the pgsql package for Mono.

However, I will say that I still don't recommend Mono for important production sites. Currently Mono 2.6.1 is majorly broken as far as trying to use mojoPortal. With every Mono release it always seems like 2 steps forward and 1 step back, things get fixed and other things break. It has been that way for as long as I have followed Mono.

Currently I'm being encouraged by Novell to make a mojoPortal Linux appliance. I plan to give it a try after the next Mono release, but my fear is it will just be a support nightmare. Mono will have to stabilize  before I would recommend anyone using the appliance for production sites, so I'm not even sure I should make one, but will probably give it a try and see how it goes.



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