Missing ALT tags?

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2/10/2010 11:05:08 AM
Total Posts 228

Missing ALT tags?

I've got two Mojo installs (latest version) and about 15 web sites where no image ALT tags are displaying in IE/FireFox when you mouse over an image. In "view source" I can see the alt tags are there, they just won't display on hover for some reason.

I'm not sure when this started and I also don't know if it's a Mojo problem or something wrong with my skins/css. Anyone else notice this? I see alt tags working on this site, so I'm leaning towards a problem on my end.

If anyone happens to have any insight into this let me know. I'll post back if I figure it out.

2/10/2010 11:22:07 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Missing ALT tags?

Really it is the title attribute that will make the tooltip. Alt text might do it in some browsers, but with title it will work.

Hope it helps,


2/10/2010 11:26:47 AM
Total Posts 228

Re: Missing ALT tags?

Yea, I read that too. But it used to work, works on other sites and even your site that the alt tag shows as the tooltip.

I guess I'm a little lazy to go add all the title tags. On the other hand, if the goal is to be compliant then in reality the alt tags are in fact in the html. Frankly, I don't want people to see my keyword stuffed alt tags anyway :) Still, I'm curious as to the why.

2/10/2010 11:27:50 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Missing ALT tags?

Where do you see it on my site? Are you sure it doesn't have a title?

2/10/2010 11:31:34 AM
Total Posts 228

Re: Missing ALT tags?

The little flag icons at the top and donate button for example:

<img height="18" width="27" src="/Data/SiteImages/flags/hr.gif" alt="mojoPortal Croatian Community" />

Not a big deal, these little mysteries side-track me enough, lol.

2/10/2010 11:39:59 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Missing ALT tags?

Its because the flag images are inside links and the links have title attributes.



2/10/2010 11:43:07 AM
Total Posts 228

Re: Missing ALT tags?

Ah, interesting. Thanks Joe!

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