Forum Enhancements/Adjustments

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2/2/2010 9:51:17 AM
Total Posts 2249

Forum Enhancements/Adjustments

Hello Joe,

I have a few items that I think would make skinning the forum a little easier.

1) threadcrumbs are currently within an H2 element and the topic title is with the crumbs. While it makes sense to have the topic title with the crumbs, it is not possible to style the topic title. Can the crumbs (including the topic title) be put into a DIV element and then another instance of the topic title put into an H2 so that it can be treated as an independent element? I think this would help with SEO because the only thing in the H2 would be the actual title of the post.

2) Icons - I really like the new icons you are using the forums on but I think if the icons were used as background images for the links they represent it would be easier for a site designer to specify their own icons for the links. The hardcoded IMG elements make it difficult to change the images on a per skin basis. This will also make it easier in the future to implement different icons for "new posts since your last visit" (which would be a handy little feature) because you would only need to apply a different CSS class to the post links that are "new".

3) Subscribe column doesn't have the headers attribute like the other columns. Can you add headers="subscribe" to the subscribe columns?

4) There are unnecessary <br /> after the postbody when viewing a post. The additional padding this provides can be done with CSS.

As always, thank you for such a great CMS.

Joe D.

4/7/2010 3:48:17 PM
Total Posts 2249

Re: Forum Enhancements/Adjustments

Hi Joe,

I have noticed these items show up in recent versions. Thank you for your hard work on mojoPortal!

The Subscribe column is still lacking the headers attribute. This attribute would help with skinning the individual columns. smiley

Joe D.

4/8/2010 7:36:51 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Forum Enhancements/Adjustments

Hi Joe,

The headers is really an accessibility thing, I would not use that as part of a CSS selector, I can add CSS classes to the th and td elements if that would help.

The headers are supposed to refer to the id of the related th, the problem with the td and th for the subscription column is that we need runat="server" on them because we only show them if the request is authenticated. Anything with runat="server" is going to have the client id generated by the ASP.NET runtime, so it is difficult to use a friendly id that is needed for the th. The headers attribute makes it read the id of the th out loud as a label in screen readers.



4/8/2010 8:46:55 AM
Total Posts 2249

Re: Forum Enhancements/Adjustments

Hi Joe,

I didn't realize the headers attribute was for the screen readers, good info to keep locked inside my cluttered mind. ;-)

CSS classes would be great. I actually have very few clients use the Forum feature but those that do use it want to customize the look quite a bit.


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