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Hi Joe,
I've noticed a problem when using the IE8 dev bar with mojoportal websites that the 'trace styles' function doesnt work, which is a big pain for me as I live by this dev bar.
So i looked at other sites which worked fine, then i used the IE8 dev bar to validate the CSS using the WC3 website.
Seems to through up quite a few errors i thought you should know.
Hi Tim,
This is the second thread where this question has come up so rather than answer here in the forums, I've created this article under the Skinning Documentation.
Also, I just created this article to explain my current thoughts on (X)HTML validation.
I forgot to answer about the IE 8 toolbar, see this thread.
Ah thats good to know. I cant live without the dev bar when im working on front end issues.
Joe :)