Several problems with the mojoportal

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1/29/2010 3:36:38 AM
Total Posts 171
I am a Russian programmer

Several problems with the mojoportal

Hi, Joe

Several problems with the mojoportal

1. For the skin jsavard-mojoportal browsing with IE 7 top navigation bar ("topnav") goes over the left edge of the screen
2. For the skin jsavard-mojoportal и jsavard-subblue browsing with IE 6 the new Admin Toolbar located under the menu of site
3. If you enable "Enable Slideshow of Elements?" For the HTML module, and enter a long text in the editor, then under IE 6 the text will stretch for the right border of the screen.
4. In the form eletter\SendProgress.aspx not show progress bar and status bar when sending mail
5. There are a lot of string in the System Log like this:
ERROR mojoPortal.Web.WebTaskManager - Failed to deserialize and resume task
Why do they arise? What can I do that they would not be?

Best regards, Alexander

1/29/2010 1:51:22 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Several problems with the mojoportal

Hi Alexander,

Generally I don't consider css issues bugs as they can be resolved by anyone with css knowledge.

I try to include some good skins for people to work with but I don't promise they all work great in IE 6.

I don't care enough about IE 6 to spend my own time trying to solve css issues in various skins in IE 6. Some skins work better than others in IE 6 than others.

I will look into the IE 7 issue when I get a chance.

I fixed the issue today about the progress bar, it worked with jquery 1.3.2 but since I recently switched to use jQuery 1.4.0 and now 1.4.1 this bug appeared. The solution was to quote the attributes in the json response as the newer jQuery is more strict about it.

About the task deserialization, problems in the past have happened where special characters from non english language etc would cause errors in the xml because of the constraints of characters in xml. For me to solve it, it would help to know which tasks this is happening for and to get an example of the task xml that causes the error. The task is serialized as xml into the mp_TaskQueue table and then deserialized on a background thread where the task then is started. To solve it I will have to configure it to base64 encode the strings so they can be stored in the xml without concern for character sets.



1/29/2010 2:19:40 PM
Total Posts 171
I am a Russian programmer

Re: Several problems with the mojoportal

Hi, Joe

Thank you for your answers.

What should I do to help you solve the problem of serialization? I can send you the contents of the table (mp_TaskQueue), but it is constantly changing.

Best regards, Alexander

1/29/2010 2:24:09 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Several problems with the mojoportal

If you can identify a row that failed to deserialize then just copy the contents of the SerializedTaskObject field as a text file and send it to me. If you are not sure which ones failed then just send me a few possible suspects. It may be writing the xml to the log when it fails so maybe you can get the xml from there as an alternative.



1/29/2010 2:28:51 PM
Total Posts 171
I am a Russian programmer

Re: Several problems with the mojoportal

Ok. Tomorrow I'll try to do it and send you the result

Best regards, Alexander

1/30/2010 8:47:11 AM
Total Posts 171
I am a Russian programmer

Re: Several problems with the mojoportal

Hi, Joe

I made the following:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[mp_TaskQueue_new] (
[Guid] uniqueidentifier,
[SiteGuid] uniqueidentifier,
[QueuedBy] uniqueidentifier,
[TaskName] nvarchar(255),
[NotifyOnCompletion] bit,
[NotificationToEmail] nvarchar(255),
[NotificationFromEmail] nvarchar(255),
[NotificationSubject] nvarchar(255),
[TaskCompleteMessage] ntext,
[NotificationSentUTC] datetime,
[CanStop] bit,
[CanResume] bit,
[UpdateFrequency] int,
[QueuedUTC] datetime,
[StartUTC] datetime,
[CompleteUTC] datetime,
[LastStatusUpdateUTC] datetime,
[CompleteRatio] float,
[Status] nvarchar(255),
[SerializedTaskObject] ntext,
[SerializedTaskType] nvarchar(255)

and I modify the procedure mp_TaskQueue_Insert, I added to it the following lines:

INSERT INTO [dbo].[mp_TaskQueue_new]

And now I'm waiting for the results in the table mp_TaskQueue_new

Best regards, Alexander

1/31/2010 7:24:54 AM
Total Posts 171
I am a Russian programmer

Re: Several problems with the mojoportal

Today is a day off in Russia and users can not add new pages in the system, so the problem (Failed to deserialize and resume task) does not occur.

But I found other errors in in the System Log.

Joe would you like to comment on these mistakes in the Log file:


2010-01-29 08:01:21,687 ERROR mojoPortal.Web.Global - xx.xx.xx.xx-ru-RU - /Admin/FileManagerAlt.aspx
System.Web.UI.ViewStateException: Invalid viewstate


2010-01-29 11:07:04,453 ERROR mojoPortal.Business.WebHelpers.IndexWriterTask - System.IO.IOException: Lock obtain timed out: SimpleFSLock@C:\xxxxxxxx\wwwroot\Data\Sites\1\index\write.lock
in Lucene.Net.Store.Lock.Obtain(Int64 lockWaitTimeout)
in Lucene.Net.Index.IndexWriter.Init(Directory d, Analyzer a, Boolean create, Boolean closeDir)
in Lucene.Net.Index.IndexWriter..ctor(String path, Analyzer a, Boolean create)
in mojoPortal.Business.WebHelpers.IndexWriterTask.GetWriter(String indexPath)
in mojoPortal.Business.WebHelpers.IndexWriterTask.ProcessQueue(DataTable q, String indexPath)
in mojoPortal.Business.WebHelpers.IndexWriterTask.ProcessIndexingQueue()


2010-01-29 11:40:35,062 ERROR mojoPortal.Business.WebHelpers.IndexHelper - System.ArgumentException: attempt to access a deleted document
in Lucene.Net.Index.SegmentReader.Document(Int32 n, FieldSelector fieldSelector)
in Lucene.Net.Index.IndexReader.Document(Int32 n)


2010-01-29 14:12:14,921 ERROR mojoPortal.Web.AdminUI.ModuleSettingsPage - ModuleSettings.aspx.cs error getting resource for s.SettingName FolderGalleryRootFolder
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
in mojoPortal.Web.AdminUI.ModuleSettingsPage.AddSettingControl(CustomModuleSetting s)


2010-01-29 14:28:44,093 INFO mojoPortal.Web.PageNotFoundHttpModule - PageNotFoundHttpModule swallowed error
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
in mojoPortal.Web.PageNotFoundHttpModule.app_Error(Object sender, EventArgs e)

6) (lots of)

2010-01-30 23:57:14,453 ERROR mojoPortal.Web.PageNotFoundHttpModule -  PageNotFoundHttpModule handled error.
System.Web.HttpException: File '/blog1251rss.aspx' does not exist.
in System.Web.UI.Util.CheckVirtualFileExists(VirtualPath virtualPath)

7) (lots of)

2010-01-31 15:23:55,921 ERROR mojoPortal.Web.Global - xx.xx.xx.xx-ru-RU - /CaptchaImage.ashx?spec=7OHNWrsktz4D7Vxj6%2B5UJz%2BjDFDmugdLfcUGdsPqM0gUgxP4f3bMQk%2F5JnZnQNng
System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.

8) (lots of)

2010-01-31 15:13:35,625 ERROR mojoPortal.Web.mojoSiteMapProvider - failed to add node to sitemap

System.InvalidOperationException: Multiple nodes with the same URL '/foto2.aspx' were found. XmlSiteMapProvider requires that sitemap nodes have unique URLs.
in System.Web.StaticSiteMapProvider.AddNode(SiteMapNode node, SiteMapNode parentNode)
in mojoPortal.Web.mojoSiteMapProvider.CreateChildNodes(mojoSiteMapNode node, PageSettings page, Int32 depth)

I think that some of these errors are errors in the code of mojoportal

Best regards, Alexander

1/31/2010 11:39:12 AM
Total Posts 171
I am a Russian programmer

Re: Several problems with the mojoportal


private void PopulateControls()


if (!userCanAddPages)


if ((!userCanAddPages) && (!isAdmin))

This is necessary for the case when the list of pages is empty

Best regards, Alexander

2/1/2010 9:06:48 AM
Total Posts 171
I am a Russian programmer

Re: Several problems with the mojoportal

I think this is a mistake.


private bool SavePageData()

pageSettings.ParentGuid = parentPage.PageGuid;

change to

if (newParentID == -1)
    pageSettings.ParentGuid = new Guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000");


    pageSettings.ParentGuid = parentPage.PageGuid;

Best regards, Alexander


2/2/2010 12:56:18 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Several problems with the mojoportal

Hi Alexander,

It would be easier to answer if you post one question per thread.

About your errors.

1. Viewstate errors can be cause by crawlers that try to manipulate hidden fields in the page before postback. If I see lots of those in rapid succession I sometimes will ban the ip address. But be careful about banning ip addresses because these errors can also happen if a user is on a slow connection and they click buttons before the page is fully loaded.

2 and 3 look like problems with your search index. I would recommend rebuild the search index. I would be careful that you don't have multiple IIS sites pointing to the same mojo installation and using the same site id because you may get contention writing to the search index and it can get out of sync.

4. is caused by a missing resource key, I just added it to my copy for FolderGalleryResources.resx

5 and 6 are just 404 page not found errors, it logs them, you can generate that error by visit yoursiteroot/somepagethatdoesntexist.aspx

7 is probably crawlers poking at your captcha service

8 means you have some pages with duplicate urls in your site, it cannot load sitemapnodes for duplicate urls. There must be at least 2 pages in your site configured for the friendly url /foto2.aspx

PageSettings change is not needed as the parentPage with id -1 will have Guid.Empty for its guid anyway.

PageTree change, ok, done in my copy.



2/2/2010 1:27:41 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Several problems with the mojoportal

Are you still seeing task deserialization errors you mentioned? If so can you post the errors so I can see what tasks it is happening on? I'm close to making a release and if there is a bug there I would like to fix it.



2/2/2010 1:50:59 PM
Total Posts 171
I am a Russian programmer

Re: Several problems with the mojoportal

Hi, Joe

Thank you for your answers. I much became clear! :)

I check the System Log. I have not found new bugs (Failed to deserialize and resume task). Once this error occurs I'll send you a message and all information from the table (mp_TaskQueue_new).

Best regards, Alexander

2/4/2010 11:38:09 AM
Total Posts 171
I am a Russian programmer

Re: Several problems with the mojoportal

Hi, Joe

An error occurred !!!!

ERROR mojoPortal.Web.WebTaskManager - Failed to deserialize and resume task

Guid {12A007A6-BC60-4083-8E6A-BD8BAA707600}

SiteGuid {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}

QueuedBy {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}

TaskName ""

NotifyOnCompletion False

NotificationToEmail ""

NotificationFromEmail ""

NotificationSubject ""

TaskCompleteMessage ""

NotificationSentUTC Null

CanStop False

CanResume False

UpdateFrequency 5

QueuedUTC 04.02.2010 13:41:37

StartUTC Null

CompleteUTC Null

LastStatusUpdateUTC Null

CompleteRatio 0,5

Status Running

SerializedTaskObject ""

SerializedTaskType ""


And such errors of about 50 !!!

I have not site with SiteGuid {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}

This is very strange

Best regards, Alexander

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