Error displaying some search results

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1/22/2010 12:03:07 PM
Total Posts 251

Error displaying some search results

Some search results on mine does not show, and say, in red "sorry, there is a problem with this content"

']]>' is not allowed in character data. Line 3, position 3.:
"); //]]>--> ...


1/25/2010 10:22:34 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Error displaying some search results


Look for this in SearchResults.aspx

<NeatHtml:UntrustedContent ID="UntrustedContent1" runat="server" TrustedImageUrlPattern='<%# mojoPortal.Web.Framework.SecurityHelper.RegexRelativeImageUrlPatern %>' ClientScriptUrl="~/ClientScript/NeatHtml.js">
                    <%# SecurityHelper.PreventCrossSiteScripting(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Intro").ToString()) %>

change it like this:

<NeatHtml:UntrustedContent ID="UntrustedContent1" runat="server" TrustedImageUrlPattern='<%# mojoPortal.Web.Framework.SecurityHelper.RegexRelativeImageUrlPatern %>' ClientScriptUrl="~/ClientScript/NeatHtml.js">
                    <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Intro").ToString() %>

The NeatHtml:UntrustedContent already protects us from XSS, so this extra method SecurityHelper.PreventCrossSiteScripting is redundant from a previous implementation and it is what shows the red message. I am making the same change in my copy.



1/25/2010 10:53:19 AM
Total Posts 251

Re: Error displaying some search results


but still some pages show something like this:

"); //]]>--> ...
"); //]]>--> ...
Windows Mobile
"); //]]>--> ...
Windows Mobile
"); //]]>--> ...

why? because in that pages there is a javascript in the beginning of the page... my fault... i will remove it

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