Feed Manager Issue

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1/21/2010 5:10:23 PM
Total Posts 9

Feed Manager Issue

What am I missing in setting up inbound RSS feeds?

I added a new page and added Feed Manager.  I followed the instructions (http://www.mojoportal.com/using-the-feed-manager.aspx) to setup a filtered RSS feed via FeedRinse.  I added this feed (Feed Name = Dodecahedra on Yahoo; Feed Url = http://search.yahooapis.com/WebSearchService/rss/webSearch.xml?appid=yahoosearchwebrss&query=dodecahedron), waited an hour and... nothing.   Feels like I'm missing something but I re-read documentation and re-tried setup several times without success.  

Not sure how to debug because I don't know what triggers the feed process (or is it just read on display?).  Do I need to open a port in the firewall? 

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

1/21/2010 10:49:31 PM
Total Posts 9

Re: Feed Manager Issue

P.S. I'm running mojoPortal Version MSSQL on Windows Sever 2003/Sql Server 2005.

1/24/2010 11:05:22 AM
Total Posts 9

Re: Feed Manager Issue

Hmmm, the issue appears specific to mojo and feedrinse.  Other rss feeds (blog,etc.) display without issue in mojo.  Meanwhile feedrinse feed(s) display just fine in a web browser.  However, nada when displaying feedrinse via mojo.  Strange as they're all just xml feeds... 

Does anybody have feedrinse working in mojo?

1/25/2010 9:50:37 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Feed Manager Issue


The problem with the yahoo search feed is the entries do not have a publication date. I will make it possible to use feeds like that in the next release of mojoPortal by adding handling for the missing date.



1/25/2010 11:29:29 AM
Total Posts 9

Re: Feed Manager Issue

Oh, I see.  Thanks Joe, that's perfect.

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