Global.asax modification

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1/15/2010 3:34:53 AM
Total Posts 98

Global.asax modification


  Can I modify the Global.asax.cs file for add this code?

if (WebConfigSettings.UseCultureOverride)
SiteSettings siteSettings = CacheHelper.GetCurrentSiteSettings();
if ((siteSettings != null) && (siteSettings.SiteId > -1))
string siteCultureKey = "site" + siteSettings.SiteId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "culture";

if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[siteCultureKey]!= null)
CultureInfo siteCulture= new CultureInfo(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[siteCultureKey]);
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = siteCulture;

catch { }

I need for multiple sites!!

I download latest released version of mojo and put on my server and get from svn source code (by the way this two is compatible?)

It possible to modify in source code the Global.asax.cs file and than replace mojoPortal.Web.dll file in bin folder?

I need the same to modify code for SearchInput.ascx control

and for SearchResults.aspc page




1/15/2010 8:59:23 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Global.asax modification

You should not modify any mojoPortal code at all.

It seems like you are trying to add functionality that already exists in our CultureHelperHttpModule.cs

It is already possible to specify culture for each site in a multi site installation as documented on the bottom of Localization Page.

Hope it helps,


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