Page with Twitter gadget failing

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1/14/2010 1:25:29 PM
Total Posts 110

Page with Twitter gadget failing


I have a page that hosts twitter gadgets which no longer works since upgrading.

Checking the log I see this..

System.Web.HttpException: Multiple controls with the same ID 'twittercsss' were found. FindControl requires that controls have unique IDs.

Any thoughts?

1/14/2010 1:54:07 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Page with Twitter gadget failing

Very strange, nothing has changed in the twitter controls in since the last release.

Does the error happen all the time?

How many twitter widgets on the page?



1/14/2010 1:55:24 PM
Total Posts 110

Re: Page with Twitter gadget failing

Hi Joe,

There are two twitter widgets on the page and the page fails to load everytime.

1/14/2010 2:06:08 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Page with Twitter gadget failing

I am able to produce the error. I'm looking into it. I guess for now you'll have to remove one of them. I'll get a fix out asap.



1/14/2010 2:09:15 PM
Total Posts 110

Re: Page with Twitter gadget failing

As always, thanks you sir !

1/14/2010 2:54:41 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Page with Twitter gadget failing

fyi, I got this fixed on my machine. I will put out a bug fix release in the next few days, just want to give a little more time and see if any other bugs are reported.



1/15/2010 2:34:54 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Page with Twitter gadget failing

I've just uploaded the fixed version on our Novell Forge download page, working on Codeplex now.



1/17/2010 3:04:29 PM
Total Posts 110

Re: Page with Twitter gadget failing

Downloading now. Thanks.

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