Suggestion on how to organize my next mojoportal website

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1/13/2010 1:25:31 PM
Total Posts 251

Suggestion on how to organize my next mojoportal website

This is not really mojoportal-related, but just a question on how i can organize my multilingual website

I just registered a funny domain name, "verb".it (verb is to be replaced with an action verb, like;;;, and something like that, just i don't want to spam this forum with my name :P)

(I'm italian so i did not have problems to sign an italian-only contract and send it by fax with a copy of my italian id card to an italian fax number, and calling 3 times in italian-only to ask why after a week my domain was not activated yet - in italy the NIC thinks we are still in the 80s)

Ok, now, i would like to do that website in english, italian and chinese, and i chose to do it using related websites by folders

so, is english, is chinese is italian and i think that it would work

But... as an american user, how do you think this idea?

I mean, do you feel ok that, for example, is in en-us, or you would prefer and leave the .it to the italians?

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