Add Existing Content Using PageLayout.aspx

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1/12/2010 11:54:47 AM
Total Posts 2249

Add Existing Content Using PageLayout.aspx

Hi Joe A,

I often have users try to add existing content to a page by clicking on the "Edit This Page" link. Would it be possible list existing content by feature type on this page and allow users to add it to a page from there? If the content is like the blog or forum where it can't be added to multiple pages, it would need to be filtered out from this listing. I think this will make adding existing content to a page much easier than the current method of using the Content Manager.

Joe D.

1/13/2010 5:56:30 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Add Existing Content Using PageLayout.aspx

I agree we need a way to add existing content from there. Maybe I can make a dialog window for choosing existing content that is re-usable.



1/16/2010 3:14:40 PM
Total Posts 190

Re: Add Existing Content Using PageLayout.aspx

Just a thought on this: if a property could be added to a content instance to identify it as "reusable" (checkbox on the content settings), then you could limit the list of items available for reuse that is displayed on the "Edit this Page" window to a fairly short list. Then you don't have to dig through all the content for the whole site when in most cases there would probably be only a handful of items that you would want to reuse.

4/7/2010 3:50:23 PM
Total Posts 2249

Re: Add Existing Content Using PageLayout.aspx

Hi Joe,

I'm just checking to see if this was put on your list or not?

Joe D.

4/8/2010 7:26:15 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Add Existing Content Using PageLayout.aspx

It is definitely on my list but not sure how soon I will get to this one, my list has a lot of things on it.



4/8/2010 8:43:54 AM
Total Posts 2249

Re: Add Existing Content Using PageLayout.aspx

Hi Joe,

No problem. I was just checking.

Take care,

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