Getting 404 on pages in a 'folder'

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1/10/2010 10:02:15 PM
Total Posts 41

Getting 404 on pages in a 'folder'

Whenever I create a new page in a 'folder' it returns a page not found.

So works fine, but always returns a 404.


1/11/2010 5:57:10 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Getting 404 on pages in a 'folder'


mojoPortal was NOT designed for extra segments in the url to simulate folder hierarchy. If you read the help link next to the url setting in the Page Settings page it tells you not to do that.

See Search Engine Optimization for more info.

Hope it helps,


1/11/2010 7:32:09 AM
Total Posts 41

Re: Getting 404 on pages in a 'folder'

The part that confuses me is that this works just fine on an older Mojo setup.



1/11/2010 7:35:25 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Getting 404 on pages in a 'folder'

Sorry, but if it works in some old version it is by happenstance not design. I do not support or test that scenario.



1/13/2010 9:12:54 PM
Total Posts 41

Re: Getting 404 on pages in a 'folder'

Understood.  Any particular reason for not officially supporting this?

I can certainly cope with the limitation, just curious.

1/14/2010 5:46:50 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Getting 404 on pages in a 'folder'

There are a number of reasons

  1. I do not believe hierarchy should be expressed in urls in a CMS because you should be free to move pages around and change the hierarchy without changing the urls because cool urls don't change. Folder hierarchies are a limitation that originated in sites using static html files organized into folders, it is not a limitation we should artificially impose on a CMS where we are not really serving files from a disk.
  2. I do not believe there is any SEO benefit to having extra folder segments in an url. Shorter urls are better and if you really feel the need to pack an extra keyword into the url you can use a - instead of /
  3. The Url re-writing logic is very complicated already in order to support running as a root level site, running as virtual directory in a sub folder, and running multiple sites based on a first level folder name in the url for child sites. This was all difficult to implement and would be astronomically more complicated if we had to account for extra arbitrary segments in the url.

In short, in the cost benefit analysis, I see the cost as high and the benefit as nearly null.



1/17/2010 7:39:24 AM
Total Posts 41

Re: Getting 404 on pages in a 'folder'

Supported or not supported still pretty confused on this one... MSSQL

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