Blog post page images not showing

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1/9/2010 9:15:16 PM
Total Posts 12

Blog post page images not showing

I've created a custom skin, very loosely based on jsavard-mojoportal. I didn't notice it before, but when looking at a blog post (individual post, not a list), my header images are not showing.

See vs

In the properties of the image in IE, I can see that it points to the incorrect URL (it's leaving off the /Portal/ part of the URL), but I don't know how to fix it.

Thanks for any help.

1/11/2010 10:32:54 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Blog post page images not showing

There are a couple ways to use images located in your skin directory from the layout.master. mojoPortal has a user control for this but you could just use regular mark-up.

The mojoPortal user control is:

<portal:SkinFolderImage ID="imgs1" runat="server" ImageFileName="YourPhoto.jpg" CssClass="YourClass" AlternateText=" " />

Regular mark-up is:

<img class="YourClass" src="YourPhoto.jpg" runat="server" alt=" " />

The key here is to use runat="server" and not to use the full path of the image. The full path will be determined by the server at run-time.

Joe D.

1/11/2010 10:45:18 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Blog post page images not showing

It looks like you created a custom heading with an <asp:Hyperlink

Did you specify the ImageUrl like this:


if so, try it like this:


Note also, if you are planning to move this to the root later, you will be making things difficult for yourself by developing content in a sub folder like /Portal because the urls will be incorrect later when you move it to the root. It would be far easier if you used a different host name like instead of a folder.

Hope it helps,


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