adding a new page "master"

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1/5/2010 6:27:24 AM
Total Posts 122

adding a new page "master"

Hi, i'm running version

actualy I have a portal with  multiple sites  based on folder (running in medium trust):

- site1 (master in italian)

- site 2 (in english)

- site 3 (in chinese... in development)

they are all connected with flags


I've been asked to put a new default page (at the top level, says with only a flash page from witch you can select  the language site preferred.



do I have to create a new sub site, and declare it to be the parent one in web config ?..

but if I do so documentation refers that all configuratione (as for exsisting registred users) will be keept on the parent site (they are acctualy on the italian site witch is at now the parent site) do I will loose something ??

and if this is the way... the procedure will be:

1) creat a new subsite (lets say site 4)

2) change in user config

<add key="UseRelatedSiteMode" value="true" />
<add key="RelatedSiteID" value="4" />

... missed somethig ??

thank in advance



1/5/2010 9:25:19 AM
Total Posts 2256

Re: adding a new page "master"


The easiest way to do this is:

1) Create a skin that shows nothing except the main content area. No header, menu, footer, etc...

2) Create a new page in your master site (Italian), set it's Parent to Root, Uncheck Include In Menu, and set it's Skin to the skin you created in Step 1.

3) Go to Administration > Add/Edit Pages and move the page you created in Step 2 to the top of the list. To do this click on the page and then click the UP arrow icon until the page is directly below the first page (Itawan) in the list. Now, select the first page (Itawan) and click the DOWN arrow icon.

This will make the new page the default page and visitors to your site will see the flash intro that you put on the page. You don't have to change anything with the other sites or RelatedSitesMode.

Joe D.

1/5/2010 2:40:22 PM
Total Posts 125

Re: adding a new page "master"

This is a good tip. By the way, how to make a page with something like " remember this selection" . If the user choose English site, next time, it will be directed to the English site directly.

1/6/2010 8:37:44 AM
Total Posts 122

Re: adding a new page "master"

great idea, the same i was dreaming last night (strange dreams sometimens !!)... as chinese says... try to work IN a solution and not OUT of it

thank you all even if i did not understood the "how to make a page with something like " remember this selection" . If the user choose English site, next time, it will be directed to the English site directly" ... how does it work ??

bye Michele

4/28/2010 9:39:14 PM
Total Posts 11

Re: adding a new page "master"


i have almost same requirment. i want to show different header( site banner in master page) for some pages of my site. i have only one site. is there any possiblity. Thanks



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