Build and distribution method

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9/17/2006 12:47:05 AM
Total Posts 6

Build and distribution method


I have been building trunk from svn and looking at the files for deployment. I know that only one database portal can be referenced from the business unit at a time, therefore whichever is being referenced becomes the default data portal which is deployed to the "Web\bin" folder.

Would it not be better to add a folder, e.g "Web\bin\dbPortal" then set the data portal libraries and projects to output to that folder, not overwriting each other.
The default data portal will still be included in the "Web\bin" folder and there are no dependancies on the libraries in the new "Web\bin\dbPortal" folder.

I could write a console app that a person can run in "Web\bin" to allow them to select thir preferred data portal and copy the correct libraries from "Web\bin\dbPortal".
The files copied would be renamed so that they replace whatever was in the "Web\bin" folder and are not removed from the "Web\bin\dbPortal" folder, that way you can switch databases easily and this may also allow the non CPL Licensed libraries to be in one download file as nothing is dependant on them until a user selects that specific database.

9/17/2006 4:05:16 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Build and distribution method

Hi Gareth,

If you are working with release files I don't think having to run a console app is easier than just copying files and its not possible in most hosted environments. Most users are only going to use one db and the easiest thing is if everything they need is all packaged up and ready to deploy to the host. Sure its a little more work if they use the MySQL data layer because they have to copy a couple of files into the bin but its still very easy to understand. I don't think we need a console app to help with it and I don't think that is easier to go to the command line and invoke a console app than just copying a couple files. Also each data layer compiles to mojoPortal.Data.dll so you would need separate folders for each or they would overwrite each other.

When you build the solution each data layer compiles into its own bin folder and only the referenced one is copied to the web bin folder. To me this is the exepected behavior and I don't see a good reason to deviate from that.

9/17/2006 4:57:27 AM
Total Posts 6

Re: Build and distribution method

Thanks for the quick reply.

Ok, I didn't think of the hosted environment.
I was building the firebird module against the firebird client which you put in trunk, as I was referencing the official released version in the gac, now the local library will be used.

I will send you an update for the firebird source soon, been finding a few selection errors. I have now also got unit tests which cover 98% of the data layer, I now need to start checking resultant data in the unit tests.

9/17/2006 11:49:50 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Build and distribution method

Sounds great!

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