File Manager direct link/icon

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12/20/2009 1:18:27 PM
Total Posts 228

File Manager direct link/icon

We've been getting a number of requests from clients asking how to upload files on their web site (when they have Content Author permissions for example). Sometimes people want to upload 10 PDFs at a time that they will be inserting on various pages. Currently the user has to do this one file at a time and go through the edit module>link icon>browse in order to get to the File Manager. This is a little cumersome and hard to explain to people who just need to upload or delete a bunch of files at one time, or possibly just replace a PDF file which they know is already out there.

A thought was since the File Manager is really a core feature of any CMS should the file manager be more easily accessible? We're specifically talking about the file manager as used for TinyMCE in Mojo (more elegant than the one available to admins). Could there be a little icon for File Manager up in the upper right hand icon bar next to the gears icon perhaps? Or even one of the text links to the left once logged in, that way it would be optional for site owners to display or not. I would imagine there is JavaScript madness that might prevent a simple pop-up link to open this TinyMCE file manager as a stand alone application.

A lot of CMS systems have easy access to the File Manager for all content authors roles. I have some experience with DNN and a few other CMS systems that have a similar setup. Almost every client we've trained on Mojo so far has presented the issue of access to the file manager and not being able to do so on a stand alone basis without going through a 5-step process to pop it up.


12/20/2009 5:47:39 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: File Manager direct link/icon

Hi Eric,

I agree with you, it's a good idea. For users in roles that can upload and browse files we should have an extra link on the page for the file manager (ie the same file manager as in the image/link browser in the editor rather than the admin file manager). We will need to add multi file upload there as well.

I'm about to make a new release tomorrow and this won't be in that release but I'll do it for the next one. I did pretty up the admin file manager and the shared files file manager for this coming release though, but not as slick as the editor one.

Also got the style and content templates working with CKeditor so it is on par with the other editors, I think long term it is going to be the best, I'm using it on this site now to get to know it better and see how it goes.



1/2/2010 5:36:16 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: File Manager direct link/icon

Hi Eric,

You can checkout the new file manager and direct link on

Let me know what you think.

I'm looking into a hideable panel for the admin links as well.



1/2/2010 9:32:32 AM
Total Posts 228

Re: File Manager direct link/icon

Now THAT is nice. Very elegant and easy to use, I coulnd't imagine an end user having trouble with this. It also matches your other interface pop-ups and feels a more modern that the other one. Well done!

I did have some problems uploading files (either not showing up or throwing the red x icon (Error occurred while uploading file), but then the file still appeared - sometimes). You're probably still working on this, but in general I think the layout and functionality will be great. This is exactly the kind of simple file manager end users need.

1/2/2010 9:45:17 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: File Manager direct link/icon

Can you tell me more about the steps to produce the issues you encountered? What file names, sizes, extensions etc, anything to help me produce the issues.



1/2/2010 10:08:48 AM
Total Posts 228

Re: File Manager direct link/icon

Sure, just tried again with same results:

1) Using IE8, Vista 64, everything current
2) Opened testfolder, clicked on upload, selected blank text file (and one with some data) and clicked open
3) "Error occurred while uploading file" appeared. However, upon refreshing the file was in fact there.
4) Same thing happened when uploading a couple photos (not lage photos, 56k).

Another scenerio which I'm duplicating is all the same as above except this time I don't get an error message and the file also doesn't upload. After clicking "open" nothing happens. I can try multiple times with no luck, refreshing does not show the file was uploaded.

*Same type of problems in FireFox (latest version).

One important note: In FireFox It seems like if I close the file manager after each upload and then open it back up things work as expected. It's only if I'm in there uploading multiple files, moving around in folders, etc that something seems to go wrong. In IE I'm having more consistent problems.

I don't see any javascript or other scripting errors while doing these various tests.


ps. I like that users can't include spaces in folder/file names!

1/2/2010 12:56:35 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: File Manager direct link/icon

I was able to produce and fix the issues. The problem was that on upload an html response with some embedded json was expected and I was passing a json response without the html wrapping. All the other methods return just json so I just assumed this method was also supposed to return a pure json response, but since the response returns in an iframe it makes sense that it is supposed have an html wrapper. For some reason it worked fine in Chrome and sometimes in Firefox, but it is fixed now for IE as well.

I've updated the demo site with the fix. Please let me know if you see any other errors.



1/2/2010 2:07:57 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: File Manager direct link/icon

A build is available with the new file manager, see this thread for details if interested.



1/2/2010 3:30:11 PM
Total Posts 228

Re: File Manager direct link/icon

Working great now! I'm excited to get this into production, clients will love it. As mentioned, the old file manager (or lack of for content authors) has been a primary issue people had raised and questioned. This is nice on every level. Thanks joe!!

1/9/2010 10:36:05 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: File Manager direct link/icon

Checkout to see what I came up with for an admin toolbar. It is on the bottom of the page and can be hidden by clicking the down arrows.



1/9/2010 11:16:46 AM
Total Posts 228

Re: File Manager direct link/icon

Hi Joe, looking fancy. Here is some feedback.

First, please check out the custom admin bar I've been using on my mojo sites for reference:

1) The admin bar only shows up when someone is logged in (admin, content author etc, not registered users)

2) My goal was to create a single and simple admin bar that had the core links to the left like my account, signout, etc. I added the "workflow" link up there because otherwise as a content publisher there was no way to view the workflow page to approve changes and I didn't want to give them content admin privledges. I've got to keep it real simple.

3) On the right of the admin bar are the page tools, etc. But again, all the in the same admin tool bar. DNN has a similar setup, with all admin functions available in that top admin bar. I like in my example that all the logged in admin functions are in one admin bar accross the top of the page. It's very visible at the top of the page and in a brighter color (clients need a lot of hand holding, it's got to be ovbious - even bright yellow would be fine).


Now, regarding what you put together: I like it's interactive nature, that it can be hidden, always stays in view (doesn't scroll with page), the links are nice, clean and it feels fast.

However, I think it would feel more natural at the top of the page, and maybe have a brighter, bolder look to it. Maybe slightly smaller text so we could fit more. I think if users have to look at the top of the page for some admin functions and at the bottom that's confusing and a little more work than it needs to be. Personally, I think if you combined some of what I did with your bar technology and moved to the top that would be amazing (or make the position a setting preference). Just having the bar always present without the need to scroll would be huge.

Another common problem I have is when we build a custom application that needs access by the client who has say "content author" privledges is how to give them access to the tool we've built? A link needs to go somewhere. I've been just hard-coding a link up in the admin panel for these applications which is just "ok". Note: I don't want authors to have any access to the admin area (key) which I know can have custom links added. I'd rather have one (possibly customizable) admin panel. Maybe there's a way to allow a drop-down menu in the admin panel with "custom" links in it? Then the site admin could put links to their custom apps in there, mojo tools (workflow for example), etc without having to customize the code. Maybe it's an admin function for adding admin bar direct links, the links could even be set according to permission level, that would be really cool.

Anyhow, getting off track. I do like what you are doing there, if my feedback is useful then you're welcome. I've got a dozen mojo sites so far and adding more all the time, it's now our CMS of choice.

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